Here in Kansas the open container law states that an open container should not be in reach of the driver, which leaves room for interpretation but in the trunk or back of a pickup bed is completely legal
Here in Kansas the open container law states that an open container should not be in reach of the driver, which leaves room for interpretation but in the trunk or back of a pickup bed is completely legal
Alvord iron and salvage
3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it
My car doubles as the "kid taxi" so I wouldn't want the other parents to see empties on the floor and begin to wonder.I bag them in the trunk, which also takes care of any ants.
Most found cans are a mixed lot, and I don't know anyone who drinks one Bud, then one Coors, then one Miller, etc., so I would hope a cop would notice that right away if he saw cans in a car.
You're not serious, right?
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