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water not deep enough for my boat so........

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    water not deep enough for my boat so........

    so since storm D has decided to park it self 50 miles off my back yard for the next week every thing here has come to a stand still . water is too deep for vehicles but not deep enough for my boat. supposed to pick up our first 2 pallets of servers thursday, most likely aint gonna happen. still got a load of scrap to haul out of our make shift ware house to make room for the servers, looks like that isnt going to happen either. phone line is flooded out, wife and kids went AWOL to momma in laws house, forgot me, but im sure that was just an inadvertant over site. its a family trait. My brother in law once went from california to Oklahoma for a visit, he got to colorado before he realised he remembered his dog but forgot and left his wife in Oklanoma.

    Ill take it all in stride as I have learned that the payment for a free and independent life is Karma, never needed any help, and few favors so, I don't expect any.

    on the bright side Ewasted expedited my last shipment and check so, I will be able to pay the electric bill. (thanks Mario). a friend dropped off 26 old lap tops and a couple of monitors so I waded out to the shop yesterday and tore them down. (hate lap tops almost as much as printers ) most were pre chip processore but did get a couple of nice 486s and what appears to be a Cyrix or Cyrtix 189 or 289 ? never saw one like this before.

    Dont know how much weight I have, as I said yesterday my scale quit, (ahhh the luck of the Irish) I do still have 4 Sun memory modules to bread down, and, they have huge mother boards and 16 huge dims each, so...... all is good. just another day in the life of a scrapper.

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  3. #2
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    If there is such a thing as a "good thing" when it comes to a tropical storm or a hurricane, it makes for a lot of scrap from flooding and damage. Lots of shorted out appliances and electronics!

  4. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    We could use some of that rain olddude...over a dozen active wildfires going in Colorado right now and temps in the triple digits for multiple days are setting records left and right. We live close to the airport where the slurry bombers take to watch just wish it was under different circumstances.
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  5. #4
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    Wish we could send some of it to you to help with the heat and fires! It's been just about non-stop raining since Saturday night here in central Florida (I'm just south of Orlando). From a constant drizzle to torrential downpours for 30 min to an hour at a time with the wind blowing 15-20 mph making it sound even worse! Debby is just hovering off the coast packing wave after wave of rain and wind. I know Tampa got beat pretty hard yesterday and the panhandle is just saturated. Thankfully we have been a bit dry here since last November so the ground is soaking it up and the creeks and reservoirs along with the underground wells are taking the brunt of the runoff. Here is a picture behind my place right now:

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  7. #5
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    where is HARP when we need it

  8. #6
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Yep, poored here yesterday, no flooding ground soked it up pritty fast. tampa and st. pete is taking a pounding looks like no let-up till weds. or thurs.

  9. #7
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    I am leaving for gulf shores on Thursday and I am gonna hit up the big yards in mobile to see if I can drum up some work down there. I hope its moved on by then or I am gonna be irritated.

  10. #8
    mongo's Avatar
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    im in spring hill, seen a car completley under water nothin stickin out. rapids across the road from flowin one side to the other. 4-6 sinkholes in the middle of roads, and water waist deep on me gettin to a buddies house and im 6'6 lol. had to ride in a friends truck on 40" tractor tires to just get through the water back to my truck. storm is no joke.

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  12. #9
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    Been constant rain in the center of the state, few more days and then the city might have to start getting out the extra pumps. We definitely needed the rain. on a side note the soil in my garden is so ****ty in areas that its bone dry 4 inches down after a week of rain. Also im gonna need a machete to do yard work after this is over my yard is a jungle, stupid me should have just cut the lawn before the storm like everyone else. Also been doing some late night curb shopping. been very spotty since the storm started so im not rushing. Going to drop off some steel some time this morning and get some new tires cause my bald ass ones aint cutting it for monsoon season.

    Also the pool is about to flood so i need to go pump that out >.< and F*CK frogs
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  14. #10
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    Nothing more depressing than seeing people's belongings floating by, especially kids toys and stuff. We had Irene last year and TS Lee as well. Best wishes and good luck to you folks. We all know it is not easy.

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