so since storm D has decided to park it self 50 miles off my back yard for the next week every thing here has come to a stand still . water is too deep for vehicles but not deep enough for my boat. supposed to pick up our first 2 pallets of servers thursday, most likely aint gonna happen. still got a load of scrap to haul out of our make shift ware house to make room for the servers, looks like that isnt going to happen either. phone line is flooded out, wife and kids went AWOL to momma in laws house, forgot me, but im sure that was just an inadvertant over site. its a family trait. My brother in law once went from california to Oklahoma for a visit, he got to colorado before he realised he remembered his dog but forgot and left his wife in Oklanoma.
Ill take it all in stride as I have learned that the payment for a free and independent life is Karma, never needed any help, and few favors so, I don't expect any.
on the bright side Ewasted expedited my last shipment and check so, I will be able to pay the electric bill. (thanks Mario). a friend dropped off 26 old lap tops and a couple of monitors so I waded out to the shop yesterday and tore them down. (hate lap tops almost as much as printers ) most were pre chip processore but did get a couple of nice 486s and what appears to be a Cyrix or Cyrtix 189 or 289 ? never saw one like this before.
Dont know how much weight I have, as I said yesterday my scale quit, (ahhh the luck of the Irish) I do still have 4 Sun memory modules to bread down, and, they have huge mother boards and 16 huge dims each, so...... all is good. just another day in the life of a scrapper.