Not sure if we are gong in circles but Short ton: $/2000
Long ton (gross) : $/2240 can create a price per pound for each , but a comparison of each causes some people to think the 1 cent higher payout that often is associated with a
gross ton and causes some to sell to said yards is actually less pay then a yard that uses net ton at a listed price of 1 cent less
I used to think a certain yard that was paying .867 @ net was less money then .925 at gross now i see the truth .
(the units are not the same).
like 1 gal milk for $2.95 or
4 liters of milk for $2.96 what is the better deal. If I was a farmer I'd rather sell 1 USA gal for $2.95 cause quantitatively the increase of .1 is a loss
It's not your weight that counts it's the method by which they calculate your weight that is most important