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Check this find out!!

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  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Thumbs up Check this find out!!

    I've never seen a vise THIS BIG!!!!!! This will hold my mower engines if I can figure out how to put it on my work benche without it pulling the bench over Lol, it broke the bottom of my cooler - both layers!!

  2. #2
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    That's a nice one there. What's the brand? What did you pay if anything for it?

  3. #3
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    newattitude that vise is best mounted onto a steel post dug deep into the ground with a T-Bar welded across the bottom of the pipe before cementing the hole in. Then have someone weld a flat plate onto the top of the post drill some holes to mount the vice.

    If you prefer the vice to have some mobility weld that pipe onto a large truck rim, a 10 hole bud works best with the hole side up. Then fill the rim with concrete. Burn a few holes into the rim so you can add a piece or two of re-bar that goes right across to come out the other hole this way your concrete will stay put when you have to move it around the yard which wont be often.

    Have a peek under the jaws you may also have a pipe vise.

    By the looks of your vise it's made to swivel on its mount and your missing the bolt with T handle that locks it into place once positioned.
    Last edited by gustavus; 07-01-2012 at 07:16 PM.

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  5. #4
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    ... i have vise envy!
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  6. #5
    alchemy's Avatar
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    that's a vise vice, Red...

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrappinRed View Post
    ... i have vise envy!
    I got one just like that mounted on my big workbench, now if I can just uncover it so I can use it. I throw little stuff up on the bench to be broke down further and now I can't find my vise,,,
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  9. #7
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    newattitude that vise is best mounted onto a steel post dug deep into the ground with a T-Bar welded across the bottom of the pipe before cementing the hole in. Then have someone weld a flat plate onto the top of the post drill some holes to mount the vice.

    If you prefer the vice to have some mobility weld that pipe onto a large truck rim, a 10 hole bud works best with the hole side up. Then fill the rim with concrete. Burn a few holes into the rim so you can add a piece or two of re-bar that goes right across to come out the other hole this way your concrete will stay put when you have to move it around the yard which wont be often.

    Have a peek under the jaws you may also have a pipe vise.

    By the looks of your vise it's made to swivel on its mount and your missing the bolt with T handle that locks it into place once positioned.

    Gus, there is a T handle on the other side so I will be able to lock it somewhat. Thanks for the ideas because I had NO clue what to do with this thing!!

    Toula, I didnt pay anything for it, the guy that gave it to me said it had been in his shop since 1967 but I have no idea if it was new when it was put there. I cant find a brand, its pretty worn all around. I will look closer after I clean it up. I'm sooooo excited!!!!!!

  10. #8
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Gus, there is a T handle on the other side so I will be able to lock it somewhat. Thanks for the ideas because I had NO clue what to do with this thing!!

    Toula, I didnt pay anything for it, the guy that gave it to me said it had been in his shop since 1967 but I have no idea if it was new when it was put there. I cant find a brand, its pretty worn all around. I will look closer after I clean it up. I'm sooooo excited!!!!!!
    Welcome, on the jaws there's inserts held on with screws, the grips get worn over the years you can buy new inserts also whats called soft jaws.

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  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I got one just like that mounted on my big workbench, now if I can just uncover it so I can use it. I throw little stuff up on the bench to be broke down further and now I can't find my vise,,,
    You should see my work bench after clearing room in the garage for that big load this weekend. I wish I would have gotten pictures. The workbench is still farked so can get pictures of that.

    But my vice is still useable as I have used it 40 times or so since the pile up.

    Nice vice find.
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  14. #10
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    what was it doing in your cooler? lol

  15. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    what was it doing in your cooler? lol

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  17. #12
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    nice find, I prefer older vices to the new ones, built better and last longer. Just one of those things they just don't make like they use to.
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  18. #13
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    Pretty cool find. I have a large vise mounted on a post and truck rim. Pretty handy to have - I use it outside when weather is nice, or move it in when weather is bad.

    What I'd really like is a foot operated air over hydraulic vise. Would save a lot of time when breaking down piles of material.

  19. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I got one just like that mounted on my big workbench, now if I can just uncover it so I can use it. I throw little stuff up on the bench to be broke down further and now I can't find my vise,,,
    I lose my bench about twice a week. Once a month I don't even know what direction its in.

  20. #15
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    reminds me of them good ol timey oilfield vices. Got it as tight as it will go and still slippin? Hammer that sucker down!

  21. #16
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Hey NA, I think this makes you the forum's Vice President!
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  23. #17
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    Great find!

    I've got a big one, but not quite that big I think. Love the thing, boy does it come in handy.

  24. #18
    MNdigger's Avatar
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    Nice find!! Looks like a Columbian. I really like these old vises. Yery handy tool to have!! I have like 12 last time I checked?? Its a sickness that I can not cure...I must have more!!! They were made to last forever as long as you don't abuse it. ie.. beat on the handle, put a big old pipe on the handle as a "cheater bar" or use the back as an anvil. Looks like someone already did on yours. It also looks like the front jaw is missing, bummer.. If you can, take the back jaw off, take it to a machine shop and see if they can make a new set. If I had my shaper going I would make you a new set for nothing.. A new set of jaws on a vise makes all the difference in the world. Then you can really get a grip on things. There is no US manufacturers that still make vises here, that I know of, they are all made in China.
    Fix up that sucker, treat it right, and it will last forever!! To clean it, use a wire wheel on a side grinder but you will want to ware a mask. it gets very dusty, rust dust is nasty stuff, yuck!, when your done spray it with a little wd40 and whipe it down. Personally I like my vises unpainted, I like the industrial look..
    I'm gonna try and post a pic of some of my vises, hope it works....

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  26. #19
    Abuilder's Avatar
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    vice is nice, but incest is best

  27. #20
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Hey NA, I think this makes you the forum's Vice President!
    *Two thumbs up!!*

    Quote Originally Posted by MNdigger View Post
    Nice find!! Looks like a Columbian. I really like these old vises. Yery handy tool to have!! I have like 12 last time I checked?? Its a sickness that I can not cure...I must have more!!! They were made to last forever as long as you don't abuse it. ie.. beat on the handle, put a big old pipe on the handle as a "cheater bar" or use the back as an anvil. Looks like someone already did on yours. It also looks like the front jaw is missing, bummer.. If you can, take the back jaw off, take it to a machine shop and see if they can make a new set. If I had my shaper going I would make you a new set for nothing.. A new set of jaws on a vise makes all the difference in the world. Then you can really get a grip on things. There is no US manufacturers that still make vises here, that I know of, they are all made in China.
    Fix up that sucker, treat it right, and it will last forever!! To clean it, use a wire wheel on a side grinder but you will want to ware a mask. it gets very dusty, rust dust is nasty stuff, yuck!, when your done spray it with a little wd40 and whipe it down. Personally I like my vises unpainted, I like the industrial look..
    I'm gonna try and post a pic of some of my vises, hope it works....

    , I love vices too! I have two on my bench at home and one larger size at my dads. You have me beat though with a dozen!!
    I noticed that but I figured it should still work ok for what I use it for and I never even noticed I need to have the jaws reshaped I've been so busy I haven't had time to sit and really check it out. Thank you for the advice on where to have them reshaped, I would not have had any idea on that!!

    ETA: thanks for the pics! The one all the way to the left looks pretty serious itself!!

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