neighbor gave me about 20 pounds of romex copper wire, a window ac unit about an 60 pounder , and a 12 foot by 10 inch i beam , and hes still digging best part is i only have to go next door for it....
neighbor gave me about 20 pounds of romex copper wire, a window ac unit about an 60 pounder , and a 12 foot by 10 inch i beam , and hes still digging best part is i only have to go next door for it....
nice....... neighbors are great aren't they!?
Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
Thomas Jefferson
yes they are , i guess it does help that my other neighbor is a car junk yard.... if a big wind comes up i pick hoods and fenders out of my field LOL
The more I scrap the more i see that most people you meet love to help with the cause
(putting metal in your life)
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