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Ours was 3.04 right before the 4th then the radio stations all kept talking about all the people traveling over the 4th and all the stations for about 3 states jumped their prices up to 3.45, what a price conspiracy, I thought it was illegal but the Gov't. lets them get away with it on a regular basis.
not a conspiracy.. it's the speculators.. They raised the price of oil barrels like 15-20 dollars over the last 10 days in preparation for the busy travel week... My diesel price went from $4.0599 a gal to $4.20..then $4.25... now $4.2999... Sucks. The stations make the exact same margin on every gallon they sell regardless of the price at the pump you see.. they get their shipment and charge accordingly.. Best bet is when the prices start going up at the busy stations look for the less frequented ones that still have leftover fuel from their older, cheaper shipments..