About 3 weeks ago, I began marketing on CL to buy
e-waste. The phone has been going nuts with calls that would lead to little or no profit. For example, the laptop I can buy for $1000 that only has a cracked screen no battery and no adapter. Well, I finally have a real load to discuss. Today I spent the morning with a network engineer who had about a dozen students from the local technical college come over and test and dismantle machines. The ones that work will get donated to local non-profit organizations for reuse. The ones that don't work get tossed into my "recycling" trailer.
The morning started with a nice little system of dismantling and sorting. As the day progress sorting got tossed out the window and we had a jumbled mess. So, there is still alot of sorting to do. Over the next few days, I will update this thread with more pictures and a breakdown of costs/profits. My customer plans to reinvest his share of the revenue into new keyboards and mice to donate with the machines that he will donate. Overall there were about 60-80 machines. Half got scrapped and half were working well enough to donate. Here are a few pictures of the trailer we loaded it into. The first picture is about 300 lbs. of steel that we loaded before we started with the e-waste. He had some kind of old broken up hoist or lift and we loaded that first. In addition to the pictures, there is a bin of about 30-40 lbs. of motherboards, finger cards, RAM and processors from old machines and servers. I can't get that picture right now because if I open the door to my car, the whole bin will fall out. It's been a hot day, and I'm going to cool off before I mess with that.