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Scored a ton of wiring of an electrician with pics

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    thecritta started this thread.
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    Talking Scored a ton of wiring of an electrician with pics

    Hi everyone I just scored a ton of wiring off an electrician I have known for years.
    Anyway about a month ago I went out with my brother and his girlfriend for my sisters
    Birthday and this electrician I have known for quite a while was there too, and I told him
    About how I have been scrapping metal, I told him everything about what I do and how
    Much money I make, he even asked me how much you get at the scrap yard for insulated
    Copper wiring and I told him I wasn’t sure seem as how I strip all of my stuff and don’t sell it
    As insulated wiring, and he asked how much you get for it stripped and I told him $6.00 a kilo
    At the scrap yard and I told him you get $5.00 a kilo for copper pipes and motor windings etc.

    Anyway he told me he doesn’t collect the copper wiring from his jobs and that he just doesn’t have
    They time to bother stripping it and all, then he told me would be doing a job in the city stripping
    Out a nightclub and he said if you want I can get you some wiring, at first he wasn’t sure if he could
    Get it because sometimes the contractors want to take it. Anyway a month later he sent me a message
    On face book saying "do you still want some cable?" I replied yes he told me it was mostly housing type
    Wiring, so then we arranged how I would get it and he said he would drop it off and my joint on Friday,
    So when Friday came which was my birthday I am now 29 years old, he rocked up at just after 4:00 pm
    After the original agreed time of around 3:30 pm with his 4x4 parked in the street just outside my house
    And when I went outside to meet him after I saw him rock up, and I got to tell you guys the tray of his
    4x4 was totally loaded with wiring there was heaps of it, but most of it was housing type wiring and some
    Of the stuff is thicker heavily insulated wiring, there is a fair bit of the thick stuff too.

    I got to tell you guys I am over the moon at this latest score, this is the best birthday present I have ever
    Received apart from last year when my brother got me an old Holden VN Commodore.

    The wiring was not even intended as a birthday present but I received it on the day of my 29th birthday
    Which makes it one of the best birthdays ever, and I even told my brother I don’t think I need anymore
    Birthday presents, and the electrician who gave me the wiring has offered me even more after I have finished
    Stripping this lot which is going to keep me busy for a while he said "Tell us how you go, when you are finished
    Tell us how much you got, and I will see if I can get you some when I get another job" anyway I thanked him
    For all of the wiring and told him how much I appreciated it, and I have even told him if there is anyway I can
    Return the favour in the future don’t hesitate to give me a call, I offered to help him if he has any computer troubles
    Or if he needs any plumbing brass fittings or anything else like that that he needs in future.

    This guy is a really nice bloke and let this be a lesson to you all and evens you guys who are new to the business
    Of scrapping, I don’t hurt to tell people what you does this is how you score stuff and make even more money
    Part of the key to this business as I have learned is "SPREAD THE WORD TELL PEOPLE WHAT YOU DO" and this
    Combined with some "MANNERS" and a friendly "ATTITUDE" can go a very long way in learning the keys to
    Success in this business, also for example I have scored some excellent free stuff of my father who was a retired ME
    Mechanical Engineer who worked for the ford motor company for 20 years building the robots and maintaining & repairing
    Then he has helped me out taking me to the scrap yard with his car, and he has given me stuff such as copper piping brass
    Some aluminium, and he helps me out I show him what I have he takes anything he wants mostly plumbing stuff like brass
    fittings a few taps elbows etc, so as you can see it is type of give and take relationship I have with my father he helps me
    Out takes me to the yard give me stuff and in return I give him whatever he wants.

    Anyway here are the pictures of the wiring i have received.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to thecritta for This Post:

  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Nice haul. Let us know how long it takes to strip all that. Happy birthday, and its good to have friends and family that support you, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  4. #3
    phildogg's Avatar
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    Looks like a nice load of wire!

    miked sent you a pm .

  5. #4
    thecritta started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by phildogg View Post
    Looks like a nice load of wire!

    miked sent you a pm .
    Well that is strange the only private message
    I have received is from total fish, the are no new
    messages in my inbox, dunno what is going on
    then I have no messages from miked.

    How do you know he sent me a private pm?
    Please explain it to me, because I am vey confused here.

    Anyway thanks guys for the replies take care cheers.

    :confused: :confused:

  6. #5
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    phil sent a message to miked. Not you. he just commented on your thread, and jack it to let mike know he had messaged him.
    Born to think, destine to succeed.

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  8. #6
    thecritta started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunemaul View Post
    phil sent a message to miked. Not you. he just commented on your thread, and jack it to let mike know he had messaged him.
    Oh right now I see I thought he was talking about
    me lol, now I understand thanks for clearing the mess

    Happy scrapping guys.

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