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Have a Problem with a buddy.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Kochy started this thread.
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    Have a Problem with a buddy.

    Okay I'm having a little problem. Also I don't know if this goes here or not if it doesn't I'm sorry. Well Yesterday, I got a call from an Electrician of a New TJ Max store going in at a Shopping Center near me. He said We have a ton of steel stud and scraps that need to be removed. Turns out, they have 3 big piles inside the building, then they have a roll off with heavier studs on top of other trash and debri. Well, me and my friend go to it and we start loading it up. We load up my truck full to where if we'd load any more, it'd most likely fly out. Well, I had to call my dad to bring his Carpet van to haul the rest of the studs, because We didn't want to make two trips. So we loaded up the van and headed to the scrap yard. We made the bill in one receipt for the my truck and my dad's van. Well we unload and then we get payed. We got 70 bucks in just Mixed, which was awesome because we just picked it up. Well my friend wants half of the money, but he says, I'll give ya 5 bucks for gas. I thought to myself "Oh Wow 5 dollars..." So we go to the gas station, I put 40 bucks in to the tank and it doesn't even fill up my truck even with 18 cents off each gallon. Well my friend thought he should get half while Our vehicles haul and waste gas to take the metal to the yard. Which I thought was unfair. My dad after wards said, You should of only gave him 20 dollars because of wear and tear and gas on the two vehicles. And a note I drive this kid around everywhere because he doesn't have a license, I just think I got tooken advantage of in this situation and I want to know what you guys think.
    Thanks , Seth

  2. #2
    Scrapcrazy's Avatar
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    If it was your truck and your lead then your cut should be biggest. At a minimum, if it was his lead and your truck, that's when I would agree to fifty fifty, especially if it was only 70 bucks. It's touchy when working with friends. You should always have an understanding with each other before the work begins. Live and learn.

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  4. #3
    Kochy started this thread.
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    Yeah I know, it was my flyer, and lead, But it was both my vehicle's well my dad's van isn't my vehicle but still its our gas, and wear and tear on the truck. I just feel I got tooken advantage of.

  5. #4
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    If he was a good friend with common sense, the next time you guys are just hanging out bring it up. All of your points are justified. If he has a hard time, use someone else next time with your terms. If the job was a lot bigger and his cut was worth his efforts then they normally can't complain. If I did a job and got 700 for it and paid my friend 200 tax free they wouldn't complain. More days than not they'd be sitting around the house making zero money.

  6. #5
    Kochy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapcrazy View Post
    If he was a good friend with common sense, the next time you guys are just hanging out bring it up. All of your points are justified. If he has a hard time, use someone else next time with your terms. If the job was a lot bigger and his cut was worth his efforts then they normally can't complain. If I did a job and got 700 for it and paid my friend 200 tax free they wouldn't complain. More days than not they'd be sitting around the house making zero money.
    Hmm, Good point. I'll talk to him.

  7. #6
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    This why I pay by the hour and never left em know what the load paid, otherwise they'll think you should donate your fuel and wear and tear. Never go half with anyone, are you hauling scrap to make them money or make you money
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  8. #7
    Kochy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    This why I pay by the hour and never left em know what the load paid, otherwise they'll think you should donate your fuel and wear and tear. Never go half with anyone, are you hauling scrap to make them money or make you money
    Make myself money, oh yeah, I forgot to tell yall, that this kid, I collected scrap all by myself, sometimes I had my dad help me with big appliances, I probably have a ton and a half of metal down in our yard. Well this kid is like, yo lets haul some of your scrap to the yard, and I'm like what's the catch? "50/50" I'm like F@$% that!, He thens says 60 40, I'm like dude, no, then he says "70/30." I'm like dude, I am not giving you a cut of my scrap money. I worked my butt off trying to gather all that, and he wants a cut.

    Tater juice what do ya pay by the hour if ya don't mind me asking?
    Last edited by Kochy; 07-29-2012 at 06:28 AM.

  9. #8
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    When my partner and I would take a truckload to the yard we would take some out for gas first then split the rest. We both would come up with leads so no advantage there.
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  11. #9
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    Kochy...I hope that pile is not easily accessible to anyone. People get silly ideas when they see money laying around, know what I mean.
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  12. #10
    Kochy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    Kochy...I hope that pile is not easily accessible to anyone. People get silly ideas when they see money laying around, know what I mean.
    OhI know what you mean, its on the back of our property. They can't see it from the road, if they'd try moving it, We'd know it, I'm also gonna put up No Trespass signs all around it because it does border patch of woods. So I'm gunna post up signs. But I don't have my big ticket items down there, I mostly keep my good stuff locked under key.
    Last edited by Kochy; 07-29-2012 at 06:29 AM.

  13. #11
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    Usually pay 12-15, depending on the Job and their work ethic, so they'd paid plenty and still leaves you with more of the profit.

  14. #12
    Kochy started this thread.
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    I gotta start doing that.

  15. #13
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    so how long the job take ? I pay one way for drive time, less got to go pick em up, then it starts when we get to jobsite and ends before the trip home.

  16. #14
    Kochy started this thread.
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    Maybe a hour a little over not long.

  17. #15
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    Well even at 12 an hour, 18,say 1.5 hours, is way better paying than anything else that your friend would make. Leaves your profit where it belongs too, in your pocket. Next time, I'd go this route. Mcdonalds didn't make billions by splitting the profit of a happy meal with the cook. Some call me greedy, can't help the fact was born a shrewd mammal
    Last edited by taterjuice; 07-28-2012 at 09:35 AM.

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  19. #16
    Kochy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    Well even at 12 an hour, 18,say 1.5 hours, is way better paying than anything else that your friend would make. Leaves your profit where it belongs too, in your pocket. Next time, I'd go this route. Mcdonalds didn't make billions by splitting the profit of a happy meal with the cook. Some call me greedy, can't help the fact was born a shrewd mammal
    I'm going this route, because, I only call him when I need his help, and we were going originally to pick up a weight bench and we got the message about the scrap. Afterwards we picked up the weight bench.

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  21. #17
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    I've known "friends" like what you describe. Total moochers and you allow it. Does he pay you anything when you haul his lazy butt around?

    He sounds lazy, entitled, wants a free ride in life, etc.

    If I were in your shoes, I'd pay a flat rate per hour, and I wouldn't allow the worker to know what the proceeds came to.

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  23. #18
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    Sounds like a candidate for the Red Forman treatment.
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  25. #19
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    Kochy, 2 things, 1st work by yourself. In the past 5 years I only used a helper once and that was because i was in a hurry to get the job done and I told the guy if he would help me I would give him a truck load of shred. I had already taken about 6 loads off this job so 1 load to get the job done was no big deal to me.#2 Thank you for telling us were your scrap stach is, Lets see one pile out back and the good stuff in the garage. Don't worry it's not worth it for me to go to PA from FL. You never know who's reading these threads so be carefull what you say.

  26. #20
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    That is why right now, I just hire people when i need them. i tell them straight up, i will pay you $50, $120, $60, etc and make sure they are cool with it.

    I tell them, if we make say $600 in a day, and i hand them $100, that does not mean i am keeping $500. I tell them, that it goes for gas, upkeep on truck and tools, and my pay which is all true. So far, havent had any issues, as they realize as owner/president of the company, I stand to make more anyways.

    You just got to be careful and let them know. When your working, your boss, not a friend.
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