Wow that sucks. Government Beaurocracy at its worst right there, no wonder why Detroit is the way it is.
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Wow that sucks. Government Beaurocracy at its worst right there, no wonder why Detroit is the way it is.
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
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The police are the ones required to enforce to the laws but we need to look up the line to the city or county commissioners, mayor, etc....they are the ones who pass the regs. Wouldn't hurt to put in a call or write a letter voicing your disapproval of the ridiculous and burdensome regulations they place on business.
Let Me see if I have this correct ?
Detroit scrappers Lic. $ 50.00
Vehicle inspection by the police $ 25.00
Vehicle plate and a matching button to wear $ 20.00
Surety Bond ( Estimated Average cost ) $ 200.00 ( Guaranteed that will go up do to High Risk when They realize they have a captured market . )
Would the State of Michigan moving to Take Over Detroit to save them from there threat of Insolvency have anything to do with it ?
Detroit faces state takeover threat - Apr. 4, 2012
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when you were a child, they were called peace officers. Today they are called enfgorcement officers. think about it.
Lets start a thread about whether we like or dislike the police..think about it..ok i topic
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Okay, I'm a little calmer now. Thirsty, to you and the others on the forum in law enforcement, I apologize for painting you all with a broad brush. My frustration was with the officer involved, not you.
But my frustration with the situation has not subsided. After the incident I had a conversation with the yard owner. It turns out that if I go to fight the ticket and I bring my LLC papers, they will throw the ticket out. The law apparently is for catching tweakers and thieves, not honest business people. Which still begs the question, why did the officer write a ticket when I have my logo and phone number signage all over my trucks? The simple answer is revenue generation. They hope I'll just pay.
So I've since done a little research and discovered that most of the communities in which I do business have some sort of similar licensing requirements on the books. To the tune of a total cost that equals driving me out of business. Seems that if there is a licensing requirement it ough to be state-wide. I can't drive 3 miles around here without entering a different jurisdiction.
My solution is to ignore licensing requirements for now. In two years of business this is the first time I've had a problem. I've had a number of conversations with cops in other jurisdictions without any issues, so much like those who do curbside shopping I do my best to play nice however I can.
I stand by my statement though that encounters with law enforcement rarely leave one unscathed and are to be avoided as much as possible.
Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
John Terrell (248) 224-2188
Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329
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Oh by the way...
Apparently there is a time for all the tweakers to arrive. We went back to the same yard several times that day.
(I had a conversation with the cop and ASKED him if we'd get another ticket if we returned. He assured me that HE would not give a second same-day ticket, there was no way I was driving 22 miles each way with ten loads of scrap. Did I mention it was a VERY nice job?)
Anyway about 4:15 in pull a dozen crappy pickup trucks full of copper pipe, hot water heaters, furnaces and driven by characters none of you would allow to date your daughters.
Not a cop in sight.
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The link posted earlier in this thread is to our website. We are a yard on the East Side of Detroit and we constantly have police outside of our yard, and even pulling in the yard to write tickets to people without junk licenses. They've written tickets to people driving vehicles with heating and cooling logos, plumbing logos, and even REO companies.
If you get a scrap license before your court date, the ticket will definitely get thrown out. I can't speak to whether or not it will be thrown out by showing your LLC papers, but that would make sense.
Scrap yards are not required to buy material from only licensed scrapper's. The program was originally designed to give the police an easy way to question people they saw picking up stuff in alleys or curbsides, but many officer's have decided it is just easier to set up shop at the yards.
I feel ya Burly. No insult taken at all, trust me. If you come to NY, well have to meet up and have a couple bottled waters together. I would say beers but we would probably end up in a fist fight over who gets to scrap out the aluminum cans for $$$$$, lol. Be safe out there buddy, it sounds like a zoo.
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Hate to say it, but you just talked me out of bringing my scrap metal to you. I'm just a low-volume guy in Sterling Heights and it's no huge loss for you, but the ticket would probably wipe me out, and I'm not about to pay anything to the City of Detroit for the privilege of curb shopping. Guess I'll be sticking with Admiral.
Not being able to keep up with laws works both ways. I have called the Denver Police Dept. on numerous occasions to ask about the legality of different issues (metal detecting public property, drinking alcohol in parks etc.). It seems every time I call I receive a different answer from a different person. This is frustrating, but not nearly as frustrating as looking up the laws and not being able to ascertain what they mean because it is written in jargon and legalese.
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Sorry to hear that, but it's understandable. This is not just our problem, but every yard within the city limits has the same problem. It has gotten a lot better the last few months, but there is still a risk when you drive through the city of detroit with a load of scrap and no junk license.
"Constantly" might have been overstating it a bit I guess, we typically see the police once a week.
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This is the problem when every municipality has the right to issue a "license". Here in Sterling Heights, MI, they've just granted an exclusive "curbside recycling" license to Waste Management, a big trash hauling corporation. The service is designed to be a subscribers-only deal; residents have to pay $60/year to have their stuff picked up once every two weeks in a Waste Management-provided 96 gallon container. Supposedly they have to have 5,000 subscribers sign up to make a go of it, and thus far they haven't gotten half that number. I'm actually keeping my fingers crossed they don't, since there is a LOT of good picking to be had around here right now.
So if in Sterling Heights, you must have a license to curb-shop, and there's only one license in the entire town. It's bullpuckey if you ask me.![]()
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Okay, so just so everyone isn't still sitting with bated breath wondering what happened:
I went to my initial court date and talked to the public defender stationed in the courtroom. She laughed when I told her I was under the impression the ticket would be dismissed. She said derisively: "Well, did you DO it?". When I told her I thought the law was to stop thievery and not honest businessmen she basically told me it's all about the money.
Then I looked at the form they required me to sign which stated I was being ticketed for a misdemeanor, which carried a maximum penalty of $500.00 and up to 90 DAYS IN JAIL! Went back to the defender asking about bringing representation and she advised me to do so.
Hired my attorney. $500 EACH to defend the tickets given to me and my driver of the second truck. So now I'm out a grand.
Got court date set up for today, which I went with attorney. Turns out he was able to work a plea deal, I plead guilty and pay a fine of $150, and if I keep my nose clean for 90 days it is dismissed and expunged. Nothing on my record.
I'm not sure he was worth the money since I still had to pay, but who knows, without him I might've gone to jail.
Detroit can kiss my tailpipe.
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Oh, and it took almost six months to the day to get this resolved.
"Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}
Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked
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...and they wonder why nobody with two nickels to rub together wants to live in that freakin' dump. *Amazing.
For the rest of you who aren't local, a child died in a fire today in part because the City of Detroit can't get its act together and send an ambulance on a fire run. The firefighters tried to get him to the hospital in their fire truck, but couldn't save him.
Well, Burly, I'm glad you got away without jail time, but you still got screwed IMO. I won't be visiting Detroit on any scrap runs, that's for sure. There's plenty in my area anyway, why take the chance on the accelerated crime rate, the greedy license requirements, etc., when you can stay safe and stay legal by not crossing 8 Mile Road?
Detroit can suck it.![]()
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Liberty Towing & Recycling
Cleaning up NJ 1 LB at a time!
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Fully Insured Carrier usdot # 1802487
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