Unfortunately Burly, that is the result of a simple minded politician, if there is a problem with something, they make laws. It's their answer to everything. Dont blame the police for it. WE should be responsible enough to know the rules and regs when we are doing business in the different towns, villages and cities. Thats what makes us professionals. Example: I did not know it was illegal to take recycleables (ie. scrap metal) once they were placed at a curb in a town next to mine. I would always stop, knock on the door and ask the homewoner/renter if the item was for trash and once given the ok, I would load it up. Guess what? One day, while doing a Google search for the number of a scrap yard in that town, a bunch of articles popped up about how that town town that I scrap in placed a law into effect TWO YEARS PRIOR that it is illegal to remove scrap metals from the curb!!! What an ass I felt like! You get a summons for $300 your first offense. It made my blood boil, but I was greatful it only took me two years to find out and I not a $300 hit. LOL. Bottom line, know what your doing no matter where you are. If you dont know, call the local town/city hall and ask. If you drive past a cop in that town or city, ask him or her. It may be worth your the effort.
PS, the next time you drive past someone doing something obvioulsy illegal (scrap related of course) punch him in the nose. He's the reason those types of laws have been placed