Here in my little part of Central FL, we're still under the money on scrap prices. This being said I have never seen so many scrappers & wanna be scrappers out & about. Quite a few I have never seen before.

I have contracts at auto repair shops, large truck repair shops and a few body shops. When I make my rounds to collect metals, it seems as if everyone has the same story- "There's been 4 people by here this week asking about scrap and they aren't the usual scrappers we see."

Even at my day job, there will be 2 or 3 people per day stopping by asking for scrap. I usually walk them out to their truck so I can scope out their load while telling them "We handle that in-house" (all scrap , cores & batteries go to me). 9 times out of 10 I usually buy most if not all of their load on the spot for a good price. Very effective and profitable!

Has anyone else noticed an explosion of scrappers since the price dropped?