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just made me sick :( - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    tedanderson's Avatar
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    A yard manager here told me about the guy who filled copper pipe with molten lead. Didn't figure it out till he was gone. Guy got banned from the yard.
    But it seems to me that the amount of lead needed to fill that pipe was worth more than the copper.

  2. #22
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Jamestown, MI
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    But it seems to me that the amount of lead needed to fill that pipe was worth more than the copper.[/QUOTE]
    Led is worth about .50 or so right now, copper pipe is about $2.85 is strictly a matter of value per pound. I've heard of much more effective ways to cheat and not get caught, but I don't want to give any of the " look what I swiped" crew ideas by repeating them

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