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Great Call Yesterday

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Bull0525 started this thread.
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    Great Call Yesterday

    So i got a call from a guy about picking up some metal. Mind you with work and other stuff I haven't had much time to post on cl so this was sort of out of the blue. He calls says he has a washer, dishwasher, microwave, and.....

    A 20 foot galvanized boat trailer. I got there today first checked to see if it was aluminum, wasn't. Guy said the cross beams were a little rusty and he didn't want to test it, they really are not in bad shape. so now my idea is how to possibly sell this thing and what type of price. It has great tires, even gave my 3 spare rims. I have a great market in Tampa. Anyone have any suggestions??

  2. #2
    ScrapperNJ26's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bull0525 View Post
    So i got a call from a guy about picking up some metal. Mind you with work and other stuff I haven't had much time to post on cl so this was sort of out of the blue. He calls says he has a washer, dishwasher, microwave, and.....

    A 20 foot galvanized boat trailer. I got there today first checked to see if it was aluminum, wasn't. Guy said the cross beams were a little rusty and he didn't want to test it, they really are not in bad shape. so now my idea is how to possibly sell this thing and what type of price. It has great tires, even gave my 3 spare rims. I have a great market in Tampa. Anyone have any suggestions??
    Cut the cross beams out cut them down to where there's no rust. sand/grind the frame so there's no rust. Put a spacer plate one each side weld it to the frame then weld the cross member to the plates.

    If not sell it to somebody that does welding work.

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapperNJ26 View Post
    Cut the cross beams out cut them down to where there's no rust. sand/grind the frame so there's no rust. Put a spacer plate one each side weld it to the frame then weld the cross member to the plates.

    If not sell it to somebody that does welding work.
    sounds rather severe when you don't even know how badly it's rusted. How about a photo? Those galvanized frames are rather sturdy!

  5. #4
    Bull0525 started this thread.
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    I can't get a photo, to be completely honest it does not look bad at all. More like rust on the outer surface. Nothing deep. I will do some inspecting, my neighbor deals a lot with that stuff so I will probably have him check it out. I picked it up from a very high dollar part of Tampa so I am assuming the small amount of rust made him feel like a new one was needed. But hey no complaints here, if anything I got 1000 lbs of steel but will explore my options first as I have time before I am selling anything.

  6. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    You might be able to sand off the surface rust and repaint it to look as good as new.
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  7. #6
    ggariepy's Avatar
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    I'm pulling a number out of the air, but it sounds like you've got yourself a $500 trailer at least. I'd do like somebody said, wirebrush the rust off, throw a coat of Rustoleum spray paint on it and flip it.

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