Scientists are now saying that the sky may fall by the end of the month. Be prepared.
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In the US EPA laws are going backwards (less restrictive, much less money to police, and few getting prosecuted outside of small companies) so I don't see any laws making it more expensive to recycle materials. It is much cheaper to recycle computer chips and boards for gold and copper then it is to dig it out of the ground (cleaner as well).
If the %^&* did hit the fan, the only thing worth anything will be guns, food, and fuel. What exactly do you think those gold and silver coins will be worth under those conditions, how exactly will you do exchanges and keep yourself from getting robbed?
Most money is just a digital note inside of a computer, the cash that floats around is a small minute amount of the cash wealth in the world. As long as the governments control the people paper money will be the only thing used for transactions, most of which are done digitally anyway using a debit or credit card. The people who control the markets don't like inflation (it makes their holdings worth less), so while prices of food and fuel have gone up over the years, they don't go up fast enough to freak people out.
From everything that I have read Unknownk is right. Lead, brass, food and water are the commodities of the future.
They say humans with no water start to perish at 3 days & stronger people can go 7 days this time frame is based on nice weather with a person relaxing .
Its not just water, but the quality of water that is important, you have no idea how many people in the world die from water they drink that has bacteria and parasites in it. Some rich countries like Saudi Arabia get most of their water from huge Reverse Osmosis water plants (turns salty sea water into pure water for drinking and irrigation), without it that country would fall apart in a few weeks. Asia is the big place for water wars. India, Vietnam, China and the other countries in that area that get their water from Mountain runoff are going to have major issue now that rivers are going dry and China is damming them all up. Billions of people in that area are going to be in big trouble, heck we have water issues in over half the country here and it will get worse.
After watching the show doomsday preppers,etc I have realized how important it is to hoard water,food, etc. after watching a few episodes and the various preppers I have come tithe realization Massachusetts, new Hampshire, Vermont, Maine are all in pretty good shape in terms of water. I'd say where I live in Boston we have the best water in the country. My opinion
I live by the great lakes, and we use a huge reservoir here locally (good until fracking screws it up, natural gas rush going on here).
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