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This ever happen to you? - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
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    The best thing to pull out is a cell phone with a camera. If the person asks "what's that for" tell them it is getting e-mailed to the police for future use. Get them, the vehicle and the tags. I've done it in my neighborhood and it seems to work. Also for $300 I bought one of those 500GB hard drive type security video setups from a wholesale club. It can do a lot of things like send video and picture to your phone. I have it set for non-stop record and it goes up to 30 days and writes over the old stuff. That works for me.

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  3. #22
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    Quick question: What is the name or Mfg. of the 500 GB Hard Drive Security System you have? I have been in the market for one. Do you have any Pro's or Con's with your system? Or things I should look out for!


  4. #23
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    Looking back over this, I remembered that sign, "If You Can Read This, You're In Range"

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  6. #24
    chrisc's Avatar
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    i protect my stuff i tell you what i leave scrap in my truck no one touches anything i think there all scared of my since i live in city guns stay locked in house but i had some fireworks that are very very loud guy came into my yard i threw near him when taking scrap in my back yard ..never seen someone so scared since then not 1 issue think told his friends is what was getting at ...i have 30 ft camper all you can see it blocks everything ..most scrappers around here wouldn't be able to pull that so im good there

  7. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckatabon View Post

    Quick question: What is the name or Mfg. of the 500 GB Hard Drive Security System you have? I have been in the market for one. Do you have any Pro's or Con's with your system? Or things I should look out for!

    It is a Lorex that I got from BJ's Wholesale club on sale. So far so good. I have a co-worker who also has one and has it hooked to the internet. He can remote view, get pictures, alerts etc. You can also set up for it to do motion detection and record only motion detects too. Mine has 4 audio/video camera input and an additional 4 video only inputs. I wanted audio AND video in case there is any conversation where the person calls out a name (any info is good when you need it). I also put up stickers/signs stating the area is under surveillance.

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  9. #26
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    One of my favorite signs reads...Every other trespasser shot and the last one just left.
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  11. #27
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I find nothing scares the hell out of someone more then the sound of shotgun being pumped.

    Thankfully on my sandbar this isn't an issue at lest not for me. Most of my local PD know me from scrapping or the store they hang out at, at night. I keep some stripped tv's in my carport along with some other junk that isn't scrap. Everything else is locked up nice and tight in my workshop. If you get through the first door and I don't hear you, I will on the second door to my shop since it's quite secure. That's when me, the dogs, and the shotgun come down to say hello. If that doesn't pops lives bout 5 miles away and has a arsenal that would impress a Navy Seal.

    Sirscrapalot - If my dogs don't get you, the buckshot will.

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  13. #28
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    people really tresspass onto your property to steal scrap???

    i remember bout 7 years ago our cans went missing from the side of the house and bout 15 years ago my sister saw someone walk inside and walk out with our vcr, she thought it was my other sister and went back to bed
    collecting san joses scrap

  14. #29
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPete View Post
    They now have your house pegged. Either get a large dog, alarm system, or lock everything up tighter than Ft Knox.
    What he said!
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  15. #30
    machinistace802's Avatar
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    Wow, i cant believe people are this stupid!, i've never had anything like this happen to me.
    i dont even lock my doors, truck or house!

    i must be a little sheltered in Vermont!

  16. #31
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    Looking back over this, I remembered that sign, "If You Can Read This, You're In Range"
    One of my neighbors has one of those signs, it has a hand holding a big handgun and that's what it says;
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  18. #32
    arnofarrell's Avatar
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    I moved to my farm about 3 years ago and I had just bought a brand new husquavarna chainsaw to clear out some over grow brush. I put in my machine shed in the case and 2 days later it was stolen. I just paid 400 dollars for it and it was discounted from 500 because it was a floor model. Needless to say my wife and I went out and bought a rottweiller and I didn't ever have a problem again. My rottweiller was the biggest baby but she still did the job of being the "big scary" dog. She has past on a little over a year ago but since them I have come to love dogs and now I have 4, one german shepard mix and three labs. The german shepard is a real nice dog to people he knows but if he doesnt know you he has a tendancy to bite there legs. He even bit a local deputy once ( he didn't break skin) but the deputy said it was alright you have signs every where saying you have dogs and a security dog I should of been more careful. I thought for sure he was going to be put down but I never got a call or letter and that was over a year ago.

    Another deterant is I shot alot and have alot of guns and most people around here know that. Also it doesn't hurt to leave shotgun shells laying around the driveway and yard.

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  20. #33
    LadyScrappers's Avatar
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    "Also it doesn't hurt to leave shotgun shells laying around the driveway and yard. " hahaha, good idea!

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  22. #34
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    A chalk body outline wouldn't hurt either! lol!

    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

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  24. #35
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RustyDollars View Post
    A chalk body outline wouldn't hurt either! lol!

    Do that with florescent paint so it stays around for awhile,,,,haha

  25. #36
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    I have friends in Victor IA and they tell me I am nuts for locking my car in my own driveway. I tell them I am not nuts, they are just fortunate to live in a nicer area than I do. Sorry to hear your saw was stolen. Sounds like someone knew you were the "new guy" and took advantage. People suck.

    Quote Originally Posted by arnofarrell View Post
    I moved to my farm about 3 years ago and I had just bought a brand new husquavarna chainsaw to clear out some over grow brush. I put in my machine shed in the case and 2 days later it was stolen. I just paid 400 dollars for it and it was discounted from 500 because it was a floor model. Needless to say my wife and I went out and bought a rottweiller and I didn't ever have a problem again. My rottweiller was the biggest baby but she still did the job of being the "big scary" dog. She has past on a little over a year ago but since them I have come to love dogs and now I have 4, one german shepard mix and three labs. The german shepard is a real nice dog to people he knows but if he doesnt know you he has a tendancy to bite there legs. He even bit a local deputy once ( he didn't break skin) but the deputy said it was alright you have signs every where saying you have dogs and a security dog I should of been more careful. I thought for sure he was going to be put down but I never got a call or letter and that was over a year ago.

    Another deterant is I shot alot and have alot of guns and most people around here know that. Also it doesn't hurt to leave shotgun shells laying around the driveway and yard.

  26. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisc View Post
    i protect my stuff i tell you what i leave scrap in my truck no one touches anything i think there all scared of my since i live in city guns stay locked in house but i had some fireworks that are very very loud guy came into my yard i threw near him when taking scrap in my back yard ..never seen someone so scared since then not 1 issue think told his friends is what was getting at ...i have 30 ft camper all you can see it blocks everything ..most scrappers around here wouldn't be able to pull that so im good there
    Lol better rethink that. I did pull a 30ft camper with nothing more than a dodge dakato v6 3.9 engine and 2wd. On the hills I hit a brisk 10 miles a hour, but made it all the way with the truck bottoming out here and there. All it takes is some big cahonas and lots of nerve and you can do anything. Trust me my friend. Some meth head gets ambitious, that camper will disappear. Note...not saying Im a meth head or desperate...lmao. I got the job to remove it free and for my trouble pulling it, it was loaded with all kinds of steel and goodies fromk a flood zone house. So well worth the efort.

  27. #38
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    Okay , I live in a very well known area. It is well known for A LOT of drug activity. A LOT of things get stolen in my neighborhood all the time. I have noticed a lot of people posting on this thread to lock up anything of value. Just remember this. A lock only keeps honest people honest. If a thief wants something bad enough he/she will find a way to get it. As for me, I have a pit/blue tick mix and a pit boxer mix, and everyone that knows me, knows that I have trained those dogs to keep EVERYONE out of my yard/property. I have even shot over the head of a thief and the sorry F**KER shot back!!! So be careful anytime you shoot at or towards someone. In our neck of the woods, even little old grandmother's carry handguns.

    Be Safe, Work Hard and Happy Scrapping !!!

  28. #39
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    I have even shot over the head of a thief and the sorry F**KER shot back!!! So be careful anytime you shoot at or towards someone. In our neck of the woods, even little old grandmother's carry handguns.
    If they do that to me they better make that first one count, cause they'll be pushin' up daisies,,,

    They taught us in the service that if you drew your weapon, it's not just for show, make it count!

  29. #40
    KWAL's Avatar
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    Not only make that first one count but double tap that trigger to be sure. I have no love for a theif.

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