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This ever happen to you?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    regidroz started this thread.
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    This ever happen to you?

    This afternoon I am working in my house when I hear someone outside. They scream "OMG hey man check this out." Well I go to the window and look at there is a guy running up my driveway. Apparently he could see the scrap behind my house and was planning to come up my driveway to the back of my house, on my property to come take it. So I yelled at out the window, "Umm excuse me can I help you." He said, "Can I take your scrap?" I told him no and he was not happy but went back to his car.

    I think that is screwed up. I would never go on someone else's property to take their stuff. Has anyone ever taking stuff from your property before?

    We had someone once steal a futon frame we had leaned up against our garage (which is behind our house). The nerve!

    In other news: Luck has been amazing the last month or so! None stop getting computer electronics. It is awesome. We had 2 pick ups last week of totaling 54 towers plus other items like motherboard, fingercards, power supplies, hard drives, ect. And today I had a drop off of 28 towers, some motherboards, and some wire. Luck is on our side.

    Hope all is well with everyone.

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  3. #2
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    They now have your house pegged. Either get a large dog, alarm system, or lock everything up tighter than Ft Knox.

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  5. #3
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    If it can be seen from the road, rest assured that it can and will be stolen from you. I would have personally escorted the clown off my property while using a few choice words to describe how I felt about thieves.

    Jpete is are now a target. I would have taken down their license plate number and got a description of the guys and then called the police with that info and informed them they were trespassing with intent to burglarize. You have to guard and protect what is yours.

  6. #4
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    I once stayed in a little trailer my brother had in a small park in Dallas, while i was swapping the motor in my van, it sat right near the road there, only steps from the sidewalk. I had a bicycle for chasing parts and picking up pizzas, and one day while sitting just inside the door, watching something on tv, through the curtain I noticed something moving, looked out that way and it was 3 teenage kids walking by. A minute later I noticed something else move and looked out, one of the kids was getting on my bike, I stepped out the door and first hollered at him, which only made him dig into the pedals harder, and before I could run after him, he was already out of reach, and they were all way on down the road. Needless to say, I never saw that bike again ; )

    Just recently a guy here on the forum had a trailer sitting in front of his house, which also disappeared. There is NO place safe.

    If you can lock it, lock it, if you can't lock it, keep it out of sight. ANYTHING you can do to increase the amount of time it takes to remove/steal something, do it.

    The biggest deterrent against stealing is fear of getting caught, that's it, no morals, no concience. Every second you can add between them and your property being taken will increase the chances of it staying in your possession. A lock, a chain, a gate, a dog, anything that makes it harder for them to get to it, or takes them longer to take it away, will be in your favor.

    Ha! I even was on an apartment renovation job in Nashville, and there was a post in front of the complex, with a big old camera on it, the wires were even hanging there loose. The supt told me he had probs with theft until he'd brought that ol camera on the pole and had it put up there, not even connected, just the effect of the camera being there had greatly diminished theft

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  8. #5
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    I have a 30.06 for problems such as this. If you've ever had a 30.06 slug hit close to you, you know it's something you don't want to happen again. If I could get ahold of one, I'd upgrade to a .50 cal.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  10. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    I have a 30.06 for problems such as this. If you've ever had a 30.06 slug hit close to you, you know it's something you don't want to happen again. If I could get ahold of one, I'd upgrade to a .50 cal.
    Yeah I like my AK47 with the nice 40 round clip for these type of people myself. That is if the 130 lbs great dane dont scare them off first

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  12. #7
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPete View Post
    They now have your house pegged. Either get a large dog, alarm system, or lock everything up tighter than Ft Knox.

    I dropped off a refrigerator for my mother in law, when theirs stopped working. A guy pulled up and asked her if he could take it. She said "hell no, I just got this" lol
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  13. #8
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    Just had this same sort of thing happen today. I picked up an old huge ball mill/tumbler/mixer (not sure exactly what it is) this morning, came home and parked. About an hour later I look out and there's a little Ford Ranger in the drive and some guy is checking out the back of my truck. I went out to see what was up and he said he be more than happy to haul it off free for me. I told him no thanks and he stuttered around but he left.

    I'm not too worried about because I don't think he could steal it if he wanted too unless he had some help, but just to be on the safe side it's log chained to the bumper for the night.

  14. #9
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    Just something I thought about from a while ago, a guy I know has a repo company up in north jersey and he keeps the cars at a lot on his parents farm.....well he has a pet cougar roaming around the fenced in lot he drops the cars in.

  15. #10
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    Mick ur not sayin uve been hit by a 30.06 slug are think u would be dead..good lord..i know plenty of guys w 50 cals for was just out at sturgis..chargin big bucks to shoot it..especiallt w the exploding rounds..seen vids..pretty frickin sweet

  16. #11
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPete View Post
    They now have your house pegged. Either get a large dog, alarm system, or lock everything up tighter than Ft Knox.
    Yep. My parents second home, where 2 of my brothers live has had scrap taken from the side of the garage while nobody was home. They came right into the driveway to take it because the house sits back and its a busy street, they had to pull in to get it. I couldn't believe it when I found out. Now, any scrap or anything of value is kept locked in the garage.

  17. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrappy888 View Post
    Mick ur not sayin uve been hit by a 30.06 slug are think u would be dead..good lord..i know plenty of guys w 50 cals for was just out at sturgis..chargin big bucks to shoot it..especiallt w the exploding rounds..seen vids..pretty frickin sweet
    No, not HIT. "Close to you" is enough to discourage people from trying again.

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  19. #13
    tedanderson's Avatar
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    I got one even better-

    When I was moving, I brought some of my furniture down to the sidewalk so that when my buddy returned with the moving truck, we could load up quickly and easily.

    Everything was neatly stacked and ready to be loaded into the truck. I guess with my bed frames, metal base end tables, brass sculptures, wire rack shelving and a few other items of interest, some guy came over to the stack and started picking through my stuff. I say, "HEY! That's my stuff! What are you doing?!"

    The guy says, "Hey man.. I don't want any trouble. You can have everything on that side of the pile if you let me pick from this side of the pile."

  20. #14
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    I like my under 10 round capacity rifle, that is locked indoors with the ammo stored separately and locked


  21. #15
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    no love for a theif

    A friends neighbor once cought somebody snooping around the driveway in between the houses and came out locked and loaded. He had the guy sprawled out spread eagle like the police do right on the driveway. After a few choice words he let him go with the firm warning if he comes back around they will never find his body. As far as i know it worked cuz hes had no problems since then which is good cuz im not so sure he was bluffing.
    Myself i scrap not steal. I also dont leave messes in front of peoples homes and always try to be respectfull and polite. It often pays off because i get neighbors now giving me their scrap. Honesty really is the best policy. Besides that way ya dont get shot or worse - think deliverance and pulp fiction.

  22. #16
    regidroz started this thread.
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    Yea I told my husband everything needs to be out of sight or covered with a tarp. Most of our stuff is locked up it was just a few items laying behind the house, I looked from the road and i guess it's noticeable if you are really looking to see what is behind someone's house. We brought it all into the scrap yard today though. And I am making sure anything else we get we lock up with everything else. Thanks for the advice.

  23. #17
    regidroz started this thread.
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    Wow, what did you say to him after that? I would have been livid

  24. #18
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    Seeing those two meth heads on COPs stealing the ride on lawnmower was funny, not really, betyah the engine was still warm.

  25. #19
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    In my yard is hard to tell what's scrap and what's good, but i have a 6x12 trailer I keep all my general scrap on and then the electronic stuff,wiring,etc I keep in trash cans with lids on it right near the house... There's one guy who saw a washing machine I was asking apart and stopped to ask if he could have. I politely said no and that was that. Well later that evening I saw his truck come thru the neighborhood again so I walked around to the side of the house and waited sure enough he stopped about 50ft from my driveway and walked up towards my trailer and started picking thru it. I slowly walked up towards him and loudly yelled get out of my yard. I spooked him and he took off running I made it to his truck about the time he did and let him know real quick he wasn't welcomed in our neighborhood if he thought what he was doing was ok.... I had left my phone inside (stupid on my part) but I got is tag number and called the police as soon as I got back inside.. Some of the local pd know me from seeing me out scrapping and know I'm honest and thanked me for calling and took my info about him. Don't know if it did any good but I sure haven't seen him since

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  27. #20
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    Knock on wood; I have never had this problem. However, I have talked to guys in the trades that have told me that when their down in the city of Milwaukee that one guy staying in or around a work truck all day (that is his job for the day), and other guy does the necessary required trade work. Because if not all their tools and stuff will be missing before the end of the workday. Pretty sad I must say.

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