Hey all!
Finished scrapping three pallets of computers just recently. Lugging those G3 iMacs around was a muscle builder! Mostly had older computers (Pentium 2 and before, plus a few newer ones, nothing past an occasional P4 era celeron.
Wall stack two deep on CD-Rom's, floppy drives taller than myself, and a few feet of hard drives. Power supplies look like the hanging gardens taking up a good chunk of a wall themselves. 150lbs of motherboards roughly, about 8lbs of RAM, 36lbs of add-on cards.
Shipping isn't too bad for just the boards but I did end up with a few questions and curiosities.:
Anyone out there want to pay freight on the drives/power supplies? Otherwise they don't seem very economical to ship on my end (no freight discounts..or I'm not entering them properly on the sites to get a quote).
I've heard about gold tipped connectors, should I cut the ends off the 50gal bag full of IDE connectors I salvaged?
In the pictures I have three processors completely stuck to their HSF combos...couldn't even pry them loose with my boot (which..believe me..I apply more force to than a hammer that might strike my fingers! :P).
Also some strange looking ones, original Pentiums on a larger slot in card.
Even took a picture of these weird little chips with two slots for pins on one side, seemed interesting.
And..some tiny processor cards from a few Apple tower desktop machines if I remember correctly.
Its been an interesting (and time consuming!) haul..now I'm ready to get them out of the building and to someone who wants them! Seems like the precious metal market hasn't been going in a great direction lately, but I suppose those are the breaks, especially on larger scrappings.
http://s16.scrapmetalforum.com/9tgdr9kw5/20120806_173440.jpg <--More expansion cards!
(Opps, hit image limit..well here are some links to others if interested in variety of processors.