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I'd say I scored..

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Kochy started this thread.
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    I'd say I scored..

    Well,.I always check dumpster at a Shopping mall type place near me with all sorts of different stores. Well, I also seem to find some good stuff in Staple's dumpster, Well yesterday I checked it, I saw 4 Printers still in the box, they said on the side of the box "Demo" Meaning it was the one that they put on the shelf. So I went inside and asked if I could take these printers for recycling, they said we don't care. Turns out the biggest one is a office type printer/copier/fax machine. Well I got them home, Found out that they work. Since my mom was going to buy a new printer for stuff she needed to print off I gave her one of the better ones of the 4. With that I had heck of a time downloading the software to her computer so I said "Why not" called Kodak and one of their support guys took control of her computer and did it all for her, an hour an a half call I was on with him. Now the best thing I found, was this, BrotherŪ MFC-9325cw Color Laser All-in-One Printer | StaplesŪ ,at first when I plugged it in, it didn't turn on, So I was messing around with the other printers looking at them, and then I look over at this one again, I see a On off switch, I was like "Duh!" Good thing I saw that cause I was about to scrap it. My mom and I now have new printers along with two other ones, one of them is a Wide print printer that you can put the picture in sideways, its like a artistic model or what not, so I'm guessing it costs a lot more.

    So how do yall think I did?

    Oh btw, The ink cartridges on this thing cost 75 bucks a piece if I ever need to replace em. Only down side.

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  3. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kochy View Post
    So I went inside and asked if I could take these printers for recycling, they said we don't care.
    That was the most important thing to do. Congratulations on the find! I know someone arrested for NOT getting permission. Too bad you can't work a deal with the manager about grabbing all that type of stuff and saving him $$ on less dumpster fill.

  4. #3
    Kochy started this thread.
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    I pulled a Executive Office chair from there aswell, Its very comfortable, Only thing wrong is its missing and armrest.

    Yeah. I bet they say that it was a demo version and most of the time Demo or on shelf version are just for show, so they probably had ones already so they threw them out, Little to their knowledge, They worked and I scored!!

  5. #4
    Filthy's Avatar
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    ive come across a few demo cell phones from a cell phone store i am networked with. they were in a box of parts i bought, and when i opened them, they were nothing but a steel plate over a button pad. no board. very misleading, and i couldnt bring myself to mix it in with my actual cell phones i was scrapping whole.
    We're the renegades of Junk!

  6. #5
    Kochy started this thread.
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    Dude that what I thought these were, when I opened the dumpster, to check them, I lifted one to see if it was heavy, I could tell they were still in the box but I was like it probably doesnt have any of the features, It came with everything the disks, Manuals, power cords. The one Artistic one even came with Adobe Photoshop Elements 9!

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  8. #6
    Filthy's Avatar
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    thats a good score. especially if youre in need of two. i have so many printers that come my way i dont think i would ever buy toner. i think i would just hook up a new one and scrap the one that ran out of toner. the price of toner is where they get you. they will give you a printer for free, and then its a stick up when you need a refill


  9. #7
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Yup! That's why there are so many printers out there. It's cheaper to buy a new printer than it is to buy new toner/ink.

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