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First hopfully good contact

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    ron22 started this thread.
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    First hopfully good contact

    I picked up a Pentuim 3 motherboard, RAM and a few other cards. It is a slot processor so not a real valuable haul.
    It was off freecycle. I have had real bad luck there the stuff is usaly gone before I can reply.
    Since this was an old motherboard only no one seemed to want it becuase I replied late and was still the first. It was since it only 7 miles from me I figured I would grab it.
    After I picked it up the guy emailed me and asked what I am going to do with it. Since I already had it and I do not like to lie I told him I was going to recycle it.
    He asked how you can make money recycling electronics since he has to pay to get rid of it. So I told him what I do.
    He said he wished he would have known he has some steel, brass and wire he would have gave me too. He said he will save it and see if his friend have anything to get rid of (Recycle). Then have me come out to his place and pick it all up.
    Not a bad deal he is going to do all the networking and gather it in one spot for me. I will have to see what he comes up with.

  2. #2
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    Yeah man, talk to em while you're there, tell em what you do, and the different things you'll haul off. You can also run an ad in FreeCycle such as WANTED: Computers, Appliances, Metals For Recycling, and in the ad state specific items and that pick-ups are no charge and , of course, say Thank you for helping to keep these things out of our landfills! I haven't had any huge responses, but it's been worthwhile, and you can renew it every 30 days in some places, 2 weeks in others. Another good thing is that on Freecycle, you aren't limited to one area, you can post ads in any area you wish, even multiple areas. Starting out it's a good idea to build a repertuawa(sp haha!) with the area moderator, ask their help and advice on best way to word it, or how to post etc. They'll appreciate that, and it'll help keep you on their better side, and in case you do make any goof ups, they'll already know you're not just some jerk, and be willing to help you correct em. Another thing that helps, and is also totally free, excepting in costing a buck or two from the scrap metal pile totals, is to watch for things that still work and are usable, little exercise dohickies do extremely well! little electric weed trimmers that still work and have string in em, fans(mostly plastic anyway), etc. etc. Ha, I gave away a huge pile of old cane poles, once used for gardening, and the guy spent an hour over here cutting them up to fit in a little SUV, said his wife wanted them for artwork. The list goes on, post it on freecycle, giving something back doesn't go unnoticed ; )

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    repertuawa(sp haha!)
    lol, that was awesome.

    Did you mean repertoire?

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  5. #4
    ron22 started this thread.
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    Bear, I tried posting a WANTED ad and it was rejected. The moderator said they do not alow them there.
    I have also took your advice and joinded other areas. I think I might put up a printer or some other small thing as offer first. Then ask the moderator about a WANTED ad. Get on there good side first.

  6. #5
    Scrapcrazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    lol, that was awesome.

    Did you mean repertoire?
    Potato......potatoe. Tomato.....tomatoe.
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  8. #6
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    Yeah, Ron, I found when it wasn't posting right away, to get an email to the moderator asking if it was acceptable, and explaining (more from the recycling/save the landfill perspective, than from a business point of view, as far as possible) that i was wondering if this ad was going to work, or how to re-word or fix it to be acceptable, etc, hoping they would at least talk to me, and they usually would, and offer suggestions. THEN, you can proceed to "fix" it to where it'll pass their "individual" acceptance (yep, each moderator there is a different individual), even though it is run using global? "rules"?, you can't really fight em with the rules, just ask em what will work. AFTER they (hopefully) tell ya how to "fix" it, there's you an ad You can change it little by little with each re-post, as you see the need to "tweek" it, and just keep posting it every month or so, depending on the local policies. Bottom line there is "free" (no trading/bartering), and "saving the landfills" from over saturation of perfectly good items (including broken down old washing machines that look better to us all sitting at the scrap yard than in the garbage ; )
    Last edited by Bear; 08-20-2012 at 10:05 PM.

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