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how do you deal with this

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    how do you deal with this

    Today was sorta typical - load truck up and hunt my feet are wet like a prune . I went into a dumpster and yanked out 20 pound of wire under all sorts of mess including glass . I am a mess I look a mess my hands are dirt black
    so i go to burger king for a snack . I pull in and get stopped by an individual , he says I like how you pulled in - hate to bother you but could you spare change . I reach in and as I pull out change i see perfect pants sneakers shirt an umbrella all new and clean .Unlike me - I give him a dime , then he says you can drop it all in my hand I said nope but I gave him a total of .35 cents . He walks away with a big smile

  2. #2
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    I have had guys like that ask for change. Wearing an outfit that looks like it cost them 3 to 400 dollars, etc.

    I will give someone some spare change if I feel they really and truly need it.
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  3. #3
    machinistace802's Avatar
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    every since they had that news article about how some beggars were knock'in six figures i have a hard time giving up my money's. plus theres places where theses people can get help!! plus 2 if there just gonna get high with the money, i might as will get high with it!!!!

  4. #4
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    for sure this one had a pitch , hit up 300 people per day @ ave of .75 = $225 per day X 7 = $ 1,575 @ $6615. thats only $79,380 per year tax free also I am the dumb A##

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  6. #5
    Abuilder's Avatar
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    Copper Head
    What you ran into was a "PLAYER". Learn to read them, because they are definitely reading you.
    Last edited by Abuilder; 08-20-2012 at 09:03 PM.

  7. #6
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    was in europe once, sitting at a cafe, a gypsy woman came up and asked for money.
    I pulled out a whole bunch of coins and gave them to her.
    she looked, said a few swear words in croatian and slammed the money back on the table and walked off.
    she obviously had high standards.

  8. #7
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    Punch him in the face...........

    That felt good..... haven't said that in a while!

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  10. #8
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    I look at the begger right in the face n laugh...after 20 seconds or so I abruptly stop laughing n offer them a job..never have received a also hate all the a holes who ask to bum a cig..just tell them to get lost..way I look at it nothing is free..

  11. #9
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I'm the only one that will eat the Oatmeal and Raisin granola bars out of the Costco box we get so when they start taking over the pantry I bag them up and give them to the first bum that has their hand out.
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  13. #10
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    well I seem to be getting hit up more then usual . At 4:30 job ended then the walk to the car & approached by a very well dressed guy he asks me for .25 AS stated " hey big guy can you spare .25 " as it turns out i just picked a VCR out of trash
    my response was " this is worth .25 keep your eyes out for them "
    Then I hit a dumpster to finish off a copper removal situation of wire at bottom with glass wood and other over it. Did it -pulling and pulling a great score took 2 days @ 1 hr total . Get some fuel and approached by a messy guy who says thats a good amount of copper guy - in a complementary way ,I am tired and say I guess so yes - Then he says can you spare some change I need money for fix a flat . I reach in and give him .75 - Well he liked my copper and inspired me to feel good about it.

    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-21-2012 at 06:39 PM.

  14. #11
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    I am fortunate in this area, as I have been totally homeless , down and out with nothing but an addiction and hunger pains to keep me company. After having been through that hell hole, I learned to spot the players, the idiots and the truly desperate. If I can help someone that really needs it, I will do so every time. However, if said person isn't willing to help themselves, I just turn and walk away. You have to be super careful just walking away though, some addicts will knock you on the noggin and take what you have denied them.

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  16. #12
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by theelectronrecycler View Post
    I am fortunate in this area, as I have been totally homeless , down and out with nothing but an addiction and hunger pains to keep me company. After having been through that hell hole, I learned to spot the players, the idiots and the truly desperate. If I can help someone that really needs it, I will do so every time. However, if said person isn't willing to help themselves, I just turn and walk away. You have to be super careful just walking away though, some addicts will knock you on the noggin and take what you have denied them.
    Glad to hear of your successful fight to escape the bottom of pain and despair to hope and success
    I guess once any one gets you in there vision & you are asked might not be so bad to just give , as for me - who am I to judge as I look for the hand outs at the curb. The aura of charity beseech me
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-22-2012 at 01:42 AM.

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  18. #13
    tedanderson's Avatar
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    I've always wondered why beggars don't stand in front of banks, check cashing joints, or pawn shops. It seems like that would make the most sense being that there is a high likelihood that anyone going in or out has money in their pocket.

    I was sitting in my truck at the 7-11 the other day when this guy casually strolls up to the store and sits on the window ledge. The first thing I thought was, "Hmmm.. he looks like a beggar reporting for work." Man.. there are some things that I hate being right about

    Sometimes I'll give a beggar money regardless of ridiculous their excuse is. But then many times I've been known to challenge their stories. Like the guy who told me that his car was out of gas- I said, "Ok, where's your car? I got a 5 gallon can in the back of the truck. Let's go get you filled up.

    Another time at the gas station the lady begging me had 4 young kids in her car. She pulled out a handful of change.. maybe about $2 to $3 worth and said, "This is all I have. Can you help me buy more gas?" I told her to give me her money and I'll add mine to her's and pay at the window for her. She put her hand back in her pocket and when it came out again, that $3 in change turned into 40 cents. So I took out my credit card to swipe it at the pump and she said, "Oh, nevermind."

    Another time at the gas station, a guy was begging me for money because he said that he had a flat tire, he had to pick up his daughter from school and his car was stuck a half mile up the road and needed to buy a can of Fix-a-Flat. I said, "What a coincidence! I happen to have a can on me!" then the guy was like, "Oh, well, actually it's a side-wall flat and the Fix a Flat won't work." and so when I said, "let's go get your car" he left me alone.

    Another time a beggar asked me for a couple of dollars because he wanted to buy a Black-n-Mild cigar. I gave it to him.

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