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I understand what you're saying. I guess I'm reacting to somebody saying "you could have learned everything you needed to know by reading all of the old posts."
I guess I could've skipped high school and just read the entire encyclopedia, right? Isn't just about everything that you learn in high school in a good encyclopedia?
Why pay a doctor when the library is filled with medical books you can read for free? All you need is the time to go through all of 'em and you'll be fixing your own bad liver in no time!
So I agree with you, mrsamsonite, (by the way, you can call me Geoff) -- the forum doesn't have everything, and it can't be expected to. And yes, as forums go, it's not poorly organized. I agree there too.
Ya with just about every forum I have been on from car forums to computer forums it usually always takes a little while to find what I am looking for and I almost never find the exact answer. I guess that is how forums are. This industry hasnt reached its peek yet so there isnt a whole lot of very organized data or a step by step way to go about things. This can be to all of our benefit. The more you find out by studying, researching, trial and error, and asking questions will put you at an advantage against the others or just make you more money. Ive been scrapping full time for about 8 months and many times it is hard to get a straight answer. I ask scrapyards, make phone calls, and read up on it until I finally have an idea more or less how things work. Sometimes it takes months for things to sink in and for me to fully understand it. People use different terminology and go about things differently which can be confusing. Just keep on doing what you're doing, you will learn something new everyday and in about a year or two you will look back and see how much progress you made and be very proud of it.