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Time of accountability

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Time of accountability

    If and when I bring in a A/C or Fridge I have to sign a document stating how the Freon was removed .

  2. #2
    1776Patriotism's Avatar
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    Kind of funny how the epa doesn't want you releasing O zone into the O zone, isn't it?

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  4. #3
    greytruck's Avatar
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    My yard takes them and removes the freon or r12 or what ever ya want to call it there self. They only pay shred price tho. better than the refidgerant depleating the ozone

  5. #4
    Russell's Avatar
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    My yard also will remove any Freon and pay shred price. Must be a Chicago thing.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    My yard takes them and removes the freon or r12 or what ever ya want to call it there self. They only pay shred price tho. better than the refidgerant depleating the ozone
    Where have you taken them to that would pay you a higher price than shred? My yard takes them but I know of a myriad of yards in my area that don't take them because of the hassle of the freon and/or because of all the fluff (insulation,plastics etc.)

  7. #6
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    wow, I must be the lucky one. My local yard takes them with no hassle @ $.90lb. I don't understand why a scrap yard would remove the coolant for free, then only give you shred price for the sealed compressor, I mean, you know they are re-selling the coolant for about $6.00 per lb. Not to mention all of the #2 Copper they are gaining from it.

    I HATE crooks! A Scrap Yard that will rip-off it's customer's like that should be shut down. JMHO

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  8. #7
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theelectronrecycler View Post
    wow, I must be the lucky one. My local yard takes them with no hassle @ $.90lb. I don't understand why a scrap yard would remove the coolant for free, then only give you shred price for the sealed compressor, I mean, you know they are re-selling the coolant for about $6.00 per lb. Not to mention all of the #2 Copper they are gaining from it.

    I HATE crooks! A Scrap Yard that will rip-off it's customer's like that should be shut down. JMHO

    Be Safe and Happy Scrapping !!!!!
    .90 cents a pound for a sure about that?? Cracking open compressors is going to have a fair amount of labor and equipment cost attached to it, and then if the windings end up being aluminum? Or if they just send them thru the shredder and wait for the copper to shake out there are cost associated with that as well.
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  9. #8
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BohemianLush View Post
    Where have you taken them to that would pay you a higher price than shred? My yard takes them but I know of a myriad of yards in my area that don't take them because of the hassle of the freon and/or because of all the fluff (insulation,plastics etc.)
    Bohemianlush, Never taken them anyware else. Before it was like what copperhead said about having to have a document from a hvac guy that recoverd it. Now for a year or so they will take them with the freon still in them. They dont go in the shred pile they go to a building that they do the recoverery in. When i asked the yard worker about it he said "We will only pay scrap price for it" No bonus for the compressor or the copper lines.

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