..of a full time scrapper
wake up around 6:30 am out the door by 7
7 am unload truck / trailer
7:20 get paid from load
7:30 coffee /sadnwich to go
7:35 check local apt for scrap
8 :am arrive @ first shop load rotors motors etc.
repeat till full about 5 shops 10 am
11 am hit c/l post ads for lunch crowd clean truck
11:30 calls roll in set appt.s
12 hit first calls
1 unload
head back to grab trialer
pick up cars
bring home for processing
unload along wiht any metals requireing further processing
3-4 pm head to hvac companies do rounds and pick ups
unload @ storage
6-7 see any left over custumers
7-9 process cars materials load truck for next day
every friday unload storage cash out for week
Dinner shower bed repeat
huh maybe this is why i do 1600 miles a week