Browsing the internet late at night, I decided to do a check on Craigslist. I never find anything good, so I wasn't holding my breath. Nothing good in the computer section, so I click on the 'free' section. Sometimes there is scrap metal, but it is always gone, ESPECIALLY those dreaded 'curb alerts.' "If the post is still up, it’s still there!" BULL ****.
Anyway, first thing I see is:
LARGE QUANTITY of Desktop Computers & Printers At The Curb
So, naturally, I click on it:
CURBSIDE ALERT: About 20 Desktop computers along with some hockey sticks at the corner of....
I looked at the time. It was posted 20 minutes before I saw it. I might have a chance! I grabbed my GPS, called a friend, and we were on our way. 30 minutes later, we pull up to a neighborhood with its trash out. First thought: **** it, another scrapper must have gotten it by now. It’s trash night! I don’t have a chance. Well, we pull up to the house anyway… and my jaw drops. It’s still there! I jump out and run up to the pile and start loading it up. About 10 computers, 6 keyboards, and a printer. So the guy what? I still ended up with more than what gas cost.
The next day, I crack into the pile. First one I pull, and this is what I see:
My heart drops. I start clawing at the case desperately trying to get it open. Finally I do, and sure enough:
Only one, I was hoping for two, but I can’t complain! The scrap gods are thanked for my great fortune. Haha. I wasn’t THAT lucky with the remainder, but I raked in a lot of ceramics, green fiber, black fiber, and slots.
Moral of the story is to stay positive. Sometimes you need to take risks if you expect to score big. I had a gut feeling, followed it, and had a great outcome.