I started this in the "lets talk business" section so figured an update would go here....
Finally got first load from my whale today after alot of back and forth with them. Turns out they had a 24 foot box truck that they had no driver for and needed it gone by this Friday. It was all loaded and ready to go. He said if I wanted the load i had to get it today at 9 a.m. He offered his truck for me to use since NOTHING was on skids and it would be alot of work to get stuff off his truck and onto mine. He said he would take x amount for the load just to get it out of his way and then we would go with pricing we agreed upon last week on future pick ups.So I accept the offer since i knew what was partially on the truck from looking last week. When I get there he says I have to take 5 gaylords of keyboards as well which he said was included in price he quoted me. Loaded them up and off I go.
First stop was to off load the server equipt at my storage area. After 45 mins I had a 10x10 shed three quarters of the way filled with servers. All types of stuff from blades to parts from mainframes. I approx the weight at about 8-10K#. One unit that i weighed came in at 325#. Next stop was to yard that takes
ewaste. Dropped off 5440# of keyboards and printers. I will have pictures posted tomorow and the next few days as I start breaking stuff down.
I would like to thank the people here once again for getting me to the point where I am able to obtain this type of material on a regular basis. I will always believe that the education that is aquired here by reading old posts and threads cannot be learned anywhere else. I am proud to say I am a scrapper and a memeber of the scrap metal forum!!!!!
P.S....I found two IBM Model M keyboards as they were being dumped out of the boxes. I went clickity clickity clickity
all the way home.
P.P.S...I am a member of smf who soon will be a paying member once I cash in this load. Then I really will be in the know