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goodwill pickup

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    travistemple202020 started this thread.
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    goodwill pickup

    so first off i gots to say i work out of my car and garage so this is huge for me and difficult as well cause i have to use a friends truck here and there to do it but i woke up on this beautiful sat morning to a phone call from goodwill in boone a town 12 miles from me asking if i was will to take all there monitors tvs and broken electronic stuff even old computers they do not sell which for the most part is a good thing as with scrappers in the area some of them will be junk junk already but thats ok cause because i can fit at least 50 monitors and a 15-30 tvs depending on size in a pick up load stacked which costs me $22 to dump so i am still making money even with say $5 in gas to get them plus the bonus of it all which 1. i get computers and such items for higher dollar scrap. 2. i get my name out there in a bigger way. and 3. i can save up money even faster for my own pick up i want to get. so even if say %50 of them have been scraped already at times its still even money on those days and since its not a huge town i will not have a huge overflow of stuff just a load 2-3 times a month or less even. so i am really happy cause its also saving them alot of money cause the landfill were they were dumping them was charging 79cents a pound to do so which i may be able to work something out in which they pay me just $20 for gas to get them since there saving so much more than that i sit down with them on monday to work out the details

  2. #2
    Scrapcrazy's Avatar
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    Congrats on the call! What's your plan with all the monitors?
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  3. #3
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Not picking on you. But could you break that up into separate sentences so I can read it? I keep getting lost somewhere in the middle and gave up trying to read your post after trying three times.

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  5. #4
    travistemple202020 started this thread.
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    ya i run on sorry but as for monitors same with tvs scrap um and toss up trying to do it on the same trip to make as much money as i can from them cause the computers will make up the rest and since it will not be alot of loads it will be razor thin proffits but worth it.

  6. #5
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billygoat View Post
    Not picking on you. But could you break that up into separate sentences so I can read it? I keep getting lost somewhere in the middle and gave up trying to read your post after trying three times.
    So Billygoat I am guessing than answer to your request is 'no'!
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  8. #6
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    What you scored is good, our goodwills send extra junk to be auctioned off. I would charge per scrapped crt monitor though....That's just a headache.
    Last edited by ScrapYaHerd; 09-16-2012 at 05:48 PM.

  9. #7
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Around me, I take my monitors to goodwill and they recycle them. Hmmmmmm.
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