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Kids want to help out more....gotta love it.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    DrewinGA started this thread.
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    Kids want to help out more....gotta love it.

    Not too many 6 year olds care what stuff is made out of. Like a Fabreeze spray can. Once she knew it was aluminum, she wanted to know how much it weighed, so we got out the jewelry scale and she figured out that it takes 8 cans to make a pound. And says "I'll make sure we get 'em Daddy" LOL. She just asked me "what are we going to weigh today?"

    Maybe she just wanted to do her part since she knew her 4 year old brother was outside with me looking around the ditch for cans and other scrap. We have about 500 feet of frontage by the road, and since there's a county transfer station 2 miles down, we sometimes have goodies waiting to be found (a new pair of gold earrings still in the store box was waiting for us in the ditch 2 weeks ago.) Had fun with the jewelry scale that day. He can't even go out to feed the dog without saying "Sorry mama, gotta scrap first." Gotta love it.

    In a way, I'm glad I waited to have kids till I was almost 40 and scaled back to working only part-time for a regular paycheck. The wife is 24 and a stay home mama. I get more time for scrapping, and being there for all the little moments with the kiddos. Worth all the scrap in Georgia and then some. Thanks for reading and letting me brag on them a little.


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  3. #2
    Scrapcrazy's Avatar
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    My 9 year old son loves to break down anything I will allow him to. He has his own electric screw driver, leather gloves, and can break down a tower in 6 minutes. He can identify everything in a computer and tell you what parts are the most valuable. I allowed him to keep a pentium pro processor and he treats it like a prized possession. Our very first load of E scrap brought in over $1900 and I didn't hesitate to give him $200. The most money he's ever had. I'm not sure if that was the best choice on my part cause now he thinks he'll get $100 just for raking the leaves. Regardless, the $200 was worth every cent for the time we got to spend together. There aren't many things you can actually do for many hours and days together just one on one doing the same thing together, and also making money. He's just like me. He loves money and always wants more. Yesterday he was at grandpas house picking up 4 pounds of various brass ammunition shells. Grandpa has shooting range. Poor boy thinks it's gold.
    Sweat is the cologne of success!

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  5. #3
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    Way to go Drew. I took my 12 yr. old girl out yard saling with me today. Made money and memories

    If she had an ID I would take her when I go to Warner Robbins for my pickups there.

  6. #4
    DrewinGA started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by shendog View Post
    Way to go Drew. I took my 12 yr. old girl out yard saling with me today. Made money and memories

    If she had an ID I would take her when I go to Warner Robbins for my pickups there.
    Thanks for sharing, Shen. WR is about 40 min. west. If you ever get near Dublin let me know. I'm looking to get more into escrap and have a few contacts here.

  7. #5
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    That's great that your 6 year old likes playing with the scale. Your teaching her math skills and having fun at the same time. keep up the good work.

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