Was that regular pop??
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I think he was drinking some tapeworms. 370 to 120lbs, don't think so without some major surgery unless he meant 25 lbs.
I switched from normal pop to diet with no caffein (gave up acffein) and lost a bunch of weight over a winter, but you get a crazy craving for sugar and you gain some of it back.
Dune is not lying..I didn't believe him either since now he is as skinny as me and that's almost as skinny as it gets.
The body needs to be alkaline. Sodas are usually very acidic contain acids in the ingredients and also carbon dioxide in water makes carbonic acid. Cancer and bad bacteria tend to thrive in low ph, low oxygen, anaerobic environments, exactly what coke helps create in the body.
It is made of high fructose corn syrup. Your body can't process fructose into glucose correctly. Also corn is genetically modified and heavily sprayed with roundup and pesticides I try to stay away from most things derived from it.
If you need caffine drink a little coffee, or even more healthy green tea. Coffee after being brewed is only slightly acidic, and you can sweeten it with some good old cane sugar.
I rarely drink sugar. The exception would be for some juice. I usually stay on a low carb diet and rarely partake in apple juice ororange juice or my favorite orange-pineapple-strawberry.
Beyond that, I drink my couple of cups of coffee black. I drink my iced tea unsweet. And I drink my rum with diet pepsi.
I would much rather eat calories than drink them.
Besides the above mentioned, I do drink plenty of good old fashioned H2O during the day as well.
My thing is not coke but coffee, I drink it all day, If i don't have it for 5or6 hrs. I start getting headachs. I need to quit coffee and smoking.
^I make sure to skip at least 1 if not 2 days in between coffee so that this doesn't happen to me,moderation.
This stupid thread made me pour out the last half of a diet coke i was drinking on my way home tonight. grrr...
did anyone consider that stomach acid is actually more caustic than the carbonic and phosphoric acid found in soda?
im actually not that worried... but y'all did get me to think twice
Yes but that acid is produced from your body not from an outside source and has a purpose to break down foods we eat.
understood, but it leads me to believe that my stomach is tough enough to handle the acidity of the soda... now the other stuff found in there cant be good for the body, but just the acid doesnt worry me that much. i am not a nail sitting in a glass of it. i can metabolize it pretty well ;)
That may be true just keep in mind what you do to your body today catches up to you later down the road....I know what I did at 22 can no way be done now at 42 and some of that has to do with what I did back then.
I'm overly addicted to soda. I go a day without drinking any and I get severe headaches...one gulp makes it go away...I hate it.
I used to be able to drink a 12 pack a day and not notice it. Now I drink to much and i get bad gutrot...it's sad.
After I quit smoking a few years back I immediately gained 20 lbs. It was the first time in my life that I have ever had to think twice about what I was eating. I used to drink a 2 liter of Mountain Dew a day, and now it is diet sodas. Check this out to see how much sugar is really in the drinks:
Google Image Result for http://www.neatorama.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/rethink-your-drinks-sugar-500x375.jpg
Did anyone follow the link to Snopes?
I did. Very interesting.
I clicked the snopes link. Soda won't dissolve teeth in a day, but sweet soda is addictive. One a day becomes five or ten a day, of acid and high fructose corn syrup working together to attack the teeth for years. Rotting teeth may let bacteria into the bloodstream and damage the heart. A toothless gummable diet of soup and mush does not sound appetizing. Mountain Dew contains bromine, a toxin with a set of serious health effects.
Dr Pepper has polyethelene glycol. One of the main ingredients in antifreeze. It is a sweetener which is why animals will drink it and die if you leave it out.
And for you folks that drink diet soda, this report just came out today; "Daily diet soda tied to higher risk for stroke, heart attack".
Daily diet soda tied to higher heart attack risk - Health - Diet and nutrition | NBC News
Diet pop is very bad for you. I read somewhere that it interferes with your body chemistry and actually makes you crave carbohydrates (sweets, flour etc.) more than you would have if you hadn't drunk it in the first place.
Lets break it down
Tea =lots of caffeine= keeps you awake
Sodas = acid, suger, caffeine =eats your guts makes you fat and keeps you awake
water = fish have sex in it
drink the only natural thing
hows that