Since where I live in Middle Georgia is not exactly a booming metropolis, when something out of the humdrum ordinary happens it's a big deal. I work part-time at an upscale (for this area anyway) restaurant right off the interstate.
Rewind to a little more than two months ago. We had some excitement at work when a little old lady accidentally shifted her fairly new Explorer into forward instead of reverse in the handicapped spot right outside our plate glass windows on the interstate side. Shattered glass, twisted frames everywhere and a bumper where the windowsills were just a minute before. No one was hurt, good thing no one was sitting in that corner or the story would include the word "medevac." So, we patch it up via Home Depot and wait for repairs.
Since everything through the corporate office usually takes six times longer than forever, we didn't find out until the glass guys showed up that all four panes were being replaced. Overkill, since only two got broken on impact and the rest weren't bent that bad, but whatever. So all that thick aluminum framing for double insulated plate glass is piling up nicely in the parking lot when I offer to help them out with its removal, and they say "No, we already have to take it all back to the shop with us." In other words, we scrap our own stuff. Can't say as I blame them, but it bugged me seeing all that cash sitting there.
I did get one bit out of it, the thick steel post for the handicapped sign that bought the farm that day. About 7 feet and a lot heavier than it looked.
And karma being what it is, more people at work now know about my scrapping. I've gotten car parts, satellite dishes and a few appliances from work contacts, and just got offered another TV and going to see about a small shed that needs taking down. And I don't even have flyers made up yet. Maybe more aluminum can wait.
Not bad for a sleepy little town right off the interstate.
Thanks for reading, -Drew