Today was good, actually great.
I found out that I wasted my time totally cutting plug ends off cables, and cutting all the little connectors
from wires, I even cut off every little cable tie too.
they don't mind the plugs at all, and I still don't know which wires are aluminium that come from pc's & tv's,
that don't matter either so I won't even bother working it out, the guy looked at my wire, picked some up
and said, nah, this is good stuff mate, no worries, said something about 40% and said $2.30 kg.. cool.
I had 127kg of wires and got $292.10
oh and no tax, found out that tax is just for steel.
This place is sims metal, real big place been there for 50 years, just around the corner from me, so I thought i'd scoot back home, pick up my copper from the yolks I took out, just the moulded pieces and see what I get.
he looked and said, mate what you got there is burnt copper, I said nah mate, I didn't burn these, but that's just what they class them as because of the laquer, even the bright ones do have some laquer to hold them in that shape.
but that's not a drama at all, millberry is $6.30 kg and burnt copper is $5.75 kg so not much difference, had 22 kg's or 48 lb's so $126.50 yeah so about $415 today for my wire and yolk copper.
it's got me excited, now that I have seen for myself there's good money in this stuff, and it's all free except my time, some blood, bruises and a sore back.
I know sims are gigantic and it's obvious they make squillions from this but there is quite a bit of paperwork they fill out ect,
there was a guy in front of me with a box of aluminium cans, then saw him at the cashiers and he got $4
so all that paperwork needed to be done for $4 of aluminium, he was treated just as well as the b'double driver on the weighbridge with 20 tonnes of steel, I thought that was great.