Originally Posted by
Really George? You really wish he gets robbed? Maybe he thought you were robbing him? I totally understand the need to make a profit, and for whatever reason this guy didn't see it that way. Move to the next one is about all you can do.
It was a typo man. I would never wish for anyone to be robbed, no matter who they are, or how they treat me. It was meant to say "doesn't" as in I hope that whoever he hires doesnt rob them blind in the middle of the night.
None of you all live here and deal with the kind of crap that I deal with. No one here at all likes curbside shoppers because over 50% of them take stuff they are not allowed to do. I know that for a fact because I get told about it all the time.

Originally Posted by
The problem with doing freebies for a company is that they will expect you to do it again, and will get mad if you dont. Either way they get mad it seems. Charging them up front weeds out the bad customers who will go elsewhere the next time for some other sucker that wont charge them. I just tell them that i do freebies all the time for charitable organizations and elderly/handicapped or needy people. Ask him what category his company falls into

I agree. I give special rates for charitable organizations, police, military, EMTs, firefighters, veterans, elderly, etc.
But when it comes to a company, you know **** well they have the cash. I am not saying to take advantage of them, but you know **** well that if they contact any other company, they wont do it for free either.
Thanks for understanding where I am coming from for the most part man.

Originally Posted by
I have yet to charge someone for removal and I will pay to put myself in the drivers seat, if need be. The key is to set up the expectations and parameters from the get go so both parties are on the same page.
Negotiations are always flexible...The more the customers have, the further I will drive and the possibility of me paying them comes into play.
If I do pay then I become the CUSTOMER and the whole dynamic changes and the responsibility of me being happy falls on them now.
And that works for you, but not for me. You are in a whole other part of the country, and perhaps things down in your neck of the woods allow you not to charge.
Like I have said a few times. I did free removal for a year. When I sat down to do my taxes and realized that I was always more in the red with money going out to doing jobs then money coming in, I had a decision to make. Either charge or close up shop. So I charge based on the job, what I am hauling, how much time is involved, and how many workers I need. So far, I have had more good things come of it, then bad.

Originally Posted by
Why even post this crap George........You know what the response is going to be (LOL).........You run your biz straight into the ground if you want
Mike, no offense man, but if you don't care to read what I have to say/type, then don't even bother to click on the threads that say they are started by me.
You got a problem with the threads, posts, etc....report them.
And yeah, I have been in business for 5 years doing just this stuff, and yet I am running it into the ground. Believe what you want man.

Originally Posted by
I think George likes to argue.....LOL
You got a lot of room to talk.

Originally Posted by
It's "The Sky is Blue" syndrome.
Its called reality.

Originally Posted by
Copper Head
A case in point still I have gone to job sights that once you load up and leave it is profit simple as that . The guys that run the job want a cut from me the $20 to make $150 in a load is well worth it . If I can turn a profit from pulling up and start loading I wont be charging If I see what i have to do represents removal with less profit (a nasty clean out ) yes you have to charge.
Hypothetically If I had 800 lbs of metals in my basement and all you need do is take to your truck in 40 min , I feel I am doing you a favor to come to my home for the metal . There are variables that have to be addressed as to payment or free
If that works for you, more power to you. I am not bashing none of you guys for doing free removal jobs. I could care less if any of you guys charge or don't. You own your business, not me.
And yes, if the job is big enough, I will do it for free, or very cheaply but still provide a top notch service.
But after calculating all the expenses, and if there is not enough profit, then yes they will either pay or book someone else.

Originally Posted by
I would agree that if I was doing a clean out that involved more then metal and a dump run was needed, I most certainly would charge. I do not advertise as being a clean out service and so I don't get those kinds of calls.
Landfill fees around here are outrageous IMO and prefer to not even deal with them.
Landfill that I go to, the fees are reasonable. A lot more reasonable, then the other 30 yards close by in a 1 hour drive distance.
But you always have more costs then that. You got labor, insurance, workmans comp in the event someone gets hurt, wear and tear on your equipment (tools, truck, trailer, etc)....I mean it ads up and adds up quick!
Look you guys, I nothing against none of you. You all know what you have to do do be successful, just like I do. But like I have said many times....none of us know what the other people on here have to spend in order to make money in this business. Therefore, if someone says that they are charging for something, does not make them an idiot. Simply means that is what they need to do. You guys have a great weekend. I am going to wait for my wife to get home with our oldest daughter, and then we are doing out to some family activity stuff today and spend some good money having fun.
Ya'll have a good one!