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cant please them all!

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    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    cant please them all!

    So, I just logged into my online chat program for my website, as I sat down to my computer.

    I see there is someone about to send me a chat invite. Turns out to be a representative from a grocery store chain with a branch in Alexandria VA about 1 hour from me.

    Guy informs me of what they have to remove (now ever since I began charging for everything, all companies have JUMPED on my prices for metal removal and understand why I have to/need to charge for it)

    So, I quoted the guy $35, which is probably my new minimum. Anyways, the guy tells me that it will be hard for him to explain the cost of removal when others remove it for free. Okay pal, so you contact a BUSINESS to remove your metal, and expect them to do it for free, instead of simply placing an online classified add stating you have it to remove for free.

    So, I go to explain myself to the guy, and he logs off. So, I decide to email the guy and explain things to him.

    I just find it insulting that a store that generates millions of dollars, would rather have someone come out for free to remove things, and unfortunately around here most of the curbside shoppers will go and take things without permission (no offense to anyone here, but I get told this from time to time from clients).

    I mean, it isn't like I said $350 lol

    O well, win some, lose some!

    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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