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cant please them all!

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  1. #1
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    cant please them all!

    So, I just logged into my online chat program for my website, as I sat down to my computer.

    I see there is someone about to send me a chat invite. Turns out to be a representative from a grocery store chain with a branch in Alexandria VA about 1 hour from me.

    Guy informs me of what they have to remove (now ever since I began charging for everything, all companies have JUMPED on my prices for metal removal and understand why I have to/need to charge for it)

    So, I quoted the guy $35, which is probably my new minimum. Anyways, the guy tells me that it will be hard for him to explain the cost of removal when others remove it for free. Okay pal, so you contact a BUSINESS to remove your metal, and expect them to do it for free, instead of simply placing an online classified add stating you have it to remove for free.

    So, I go to explain myself to the guy, and he logs off. So, I decide to email the guy and explain things to him.

    I just find it insulting that a store that generates millions of dollars, would rather have someone come out for free to remove things, and unfortunately around here most of the curbside shoppers will go and take things without permission (no offense to anyone here, but I get told this from time to time from clients).

    I mean, it isn't like I said $350 lol

    O well, win some, lose some!
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  3. #2
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    In cases like that, I just hang up and go on. They're not running your business. It's their problem, not yours.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  4. #3
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    In cases like that, I just hang up and go on. They're not running your business. It's their problem, not yours.
    I only did that becauae he gave me no chance to explain why it wasn't free.

    besides that, I fully agree with you. I just move on.

  5. #4
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    I feel free is true and real but when I pick up for free , don't expect liability insurance just expect a Gypsy like way of doing what is needed - and go with honesty, & yes I have also paid in case you curious. Now if some one has to pay you I figure you have insurance and run it more like a company with rules and standards as such - yes you deserve to charge .
    Last edited by Copper Head; 10-13-2012 at 12:22 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    I feel free is true and real but when I pick up for free , don't expect liability insurance just expect a Gypsy like way of doing what is needed and go with honesty and I have also paid in case you curious.
    Now if some one has to pay you I figure you have insurance and run it more like a company with rules and standards as such - yes you deserve to charge .
    Interesting...........George why would I pay you to remove metal when the next guy is willing to pay me...........The biz is changing and if you don't roll with it you might get left behind

  8. #6
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Interesting...........George why would I pay you to remove metal when the next guy is willing to pay me...........The biz is changing and if you don't roll with it you might get left behind
    Why would I pay for anything, when I sometimes having to go up to 1 or more hours away to remove it? Fuel is NOT cheap.

    They can hire whoever they wish. I don't really care. But like the old saying goes "you pay for what you get" to expect any company to do a job that costs them money to do, for free, is ridiculous.

  9. #7
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    The point is the guy 5 minutes away may be willing to pay top dollar for scrap while you are wanting to charge them to remove items of value.........

  10. #8
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    The point is the guy 5 minutes away may be willing to pay top dollar for scrap while you are wanting to charge them to remove items of value.........
    Then they need to call him. I am in business to make money, not to do free work, or go broke driving a good distance and be out of pocket even with the measley $20 to $30 I will get from that.

    Perhaps gas is real cheap for you, or perhaps you are getting some serious cash for scrap, I dont know. All I know is about my area here.

    You have a considerable amount to get rid of, hell I am more than willing to work with you.

    If not, I don't care if you are down the block, there is a fee, just like anyone else you do business with.

    I am not trying to argue with you mike. If the guy was an individual and not a business, I never would have made the post.

    I just found it hilarious that a chain of stores that makes millions of dollars cannot afford a simple $35. Acting like I get rich off the stuff or something.

    Plain and simple.

  11. #9
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    Geo but what your failing to relize is future potential business. I would much rather go do a free job that I will only make $20 or $30 for an hour or so work to get a job down the road that would pay $1000 in material from said million dollar company.

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  13. #10
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    i'd charge $35 to haul off a $1000 worth of material anytime! Just sounds "professional" ; )

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  15. #11
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    I am only trying to help

  16. #12
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Geo but what your failing to relize is future potential business. I would much rather go do a free job that I will only make $20 or $30 for an hour or so work to get a job down the road that would pay $1000 in material from said million dollar company.
    PTS, no disrespect, and that might work for you, and yes I have done that in past, but that was before I realized that I was more in the red all the time, then I was in the green.

    I have 2 small kids to feet. I still do free jobs, but only when it is worth it. If I know that I wont make a profit, it is that they either pay or they can call someone else.

    My truck costs money to run, my equipment costs money to run, the landfills are not free, insurance is not free, etc.

    Unlike others on here that are a "curbside shopper" (and no I am not knocking those that are, because that is exactly how I started), I have more costs than just fuel, insurance, etc.

    It is also the principle of the thing. You wouldn't go to any place of business and ask them to do their job for you for FREE and that you promise to be a long time customer and refer a LOT of people to them would you? Of course not. They would probably laugh in your face (not attacking you, hell it would happen to anyone).

    All the actual companies around here charge for pickups, including mine. It done matter if you have 1 refrigerator, or 10,000lbs of material. Only difference between those guys and my company, is I can afford to charge a LOT less, and still make money.

    Plus, I have been in customer service all my life (both for the companies I have owned, and for working for other companies). Just because of my customer service abilities is how I keep getting new business, and repeats all the time.

    Yes, I know that doing it "free" works wonders for a lot of guys on here, but that is them. I also know that some how it works for most guys on here to pay for stuff. To me, it isn't worth that at all. If I started to advertise that, I would get flooded with 1,000's of calls for stupid crap "how much for the venetian blind pole" etc.

    What was the funniest thing about this dude, is what he acted like he was insulted that I was going to charge him to drive over 1 hour to come pick up something that would make me less than $80.

    The insulting part was for him to think he was going to contact a business, and expect that I do it for free for him. He doesn't pay my bills, feed and clothe my kids. I do.

    I wouldn't ask him to give me $200 in free food. They would laugh me out of there.

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  18. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    I am only trying to help
    lol, and i'm only messin with ya! ; )

  19. #14
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    I am only trying to help
    I get that, but no one gets it really.

    It's cool. I am not going to worry myself over it. I just hope whoever his cheap ass hires, does rob them blind in the middle of the night.

  20. #15
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    ut o!

    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    PTS, no disrespect, and that might work for you, and yes I have done that in past, but that was before I realized that I was more in the red all the time, then I was in the green.

    I have 2 small kids to feet. I still do free jobs, but only when it is worth it. If I know that I wont make a profit, it is that they either pay or they can call someone else.

    My truck costs money to run, my equipment costs money to run, the landfills are not free, insurance is not free, etc.

    Unlike others on here that are a "curbside shopper" (and no I am not knocking those that are, because that is exactly how I started), I have more costs than just fuel, insurance, etc.

    It is also the principle of the thing. You wouldn't go to any place of business and ask them to do their job for you for FREE and that you promise to be a long time customer and refer a LOT of people to them would you? Of course not. They would probably laugh in your face (not attacking you, hell it would happen to anyone).

    All the actual companies around here charge for pickups, including mine. It done matter if you have 1 refrigerator, or 10,000lbs of material. Only difference between those guys and my company, is I can afford to charge a LOT less, and still make money.

    Plus, I have been in customer service all my life (both for the companies I have owned, and for working for other companies). Just because of my customer service abilities is how I keep getting new business, and repeats all the time.

    Yes, I know that doing it "free" works wonders for a lot of guys on here, but that is them. I also know that some how it works for most guys on here to pay for stuff. To me, it isn't worth that at all. If I started to advertise that, I would get flooded with 1,000's of calls for stupid crap "how much for the venetian blind pole" etc.

    What was the funniest thing about this dude, is what he acted like he was insulted that I was going to charge him to drive over 1 hour to come pick up something that would make me less than $80.

    The insulting part was for him to think he was going to contact a business, and expect that I do it for free for him. He doesn't pay my bills, feed and clothe my kids. I do.

    I wouldn't ask him to give me $200 in free food. They would laugh me out of there.

  21. #16
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    i'd charge $35 to haul off a $1000 worth of material anytime! Just sounds "professional" ; )
    I was charging him $35 to cover fuel and have maybe $15 to $20 extra for my time. 3 carts of what he was talking about, wouldn't have even been 300lbs.

  22. #17
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    ut o!
    Um english? lol

  23. #18
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    Dang! I wasn't trying to insult ya George, I know you're lots farther up the line than I am, I was only kinda kidding around

  24. #19
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    ut o ? that's when you drop something and someone who cares was watching ; )

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  26. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    I get that, but no one gets it really.

    It's cool. I am not going to worry myself over it. I just hope whoever his cheap ass hires, does rob them blind in the middle of the night.
    Do I detect sour grapes??
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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