Hi, everybody! I know it's been a long time since I posted anything on here in quite some time, but I figure I'll share with y'all my interesting yard sale finds from this morning.
First off, I stopped at one yard sale and managed to pick up two old electric typewriters for five bucks:
002_zps32f9c51f.jpg picture by Eadiot - Photobucket
After my first stop, I headed on down the road to another yard sale I found advertised on Craigslist, but didn't quite make it, because along the way, I passed a church that was having a yard sale of their own. After talking to the gentlemen running it, I found out that they had recently joined another congregation, and were looking to give away pretty much everything they had at their old church building before they sell the property. So, they give me a tour of the property, and needless to say, there is a literal treasure trove of old electronics and what not. In the end, I managed to pick up the following items for a mere 42 dollars:
Three computer CRT monitors, one electric typewriter, two keyboards, two mice, several pounds of old stainless steel silverware, three printers (including one office style printer that weighs at least 50 pounds!!!), one broken dell laptop, one older desktop computer/without hard drive, one fax machine, one neat little wireless video surveillance set including a monitor, two old vacuum cleaners, and two office telephones.
003_zps5487d5aa.jpg picture by Eadiot - Photobucket
001_zps7f002d9d.jpg picture by Eadiot - Photobucket
In the end, I'm thinking I did pretty well for the 47 dollars I ended up spending today. However, I'll be happy even if I only break even, as I'll have plenty of fun taking all of this apart. If any of you guys have any tips or advice on how best to go about breaking down and selling all of this, please feel free to post them. I'd like to start dabbling with
e-scrap, but unfortunately, there are no e-scrap dealers in my local area.