I stopped at a home that had a bunch of stuff out and asked if they minded if I snagged some stuff (they were up in the garage). they said go ahead! so as i was grabbing stuff the guy yelled down ''Do I want a dolly?'' I said sure, I figured it was a broken one. the son wheeled it down and as I was putting it in my truck I thought to myself, ''this doesn't look broken!'' i said ''thank you so much'' and the son said ''Merry Christmas!'' I get home and there isnt anything wrong with it, the handle comes apart to turn it into a 4 wheeled cart!! They were moving he said, I guess they didnt need it any more. How nice was that??!!! I can keep this one at my house and wheel it around my neighborhood on scrap night or if my truck isnt home and someone has something for me!!