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Mountain of TVs in the making

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    AwesomeSauce started this thread.
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    Mountain of TVs in the making

    So, today my boyfriend picked up the first bit of the load of TVs that he is removing from a few storage units in a storage facility owned by a friend of his. The guy who was renting the units used to own a TV repair business until his wife died and he had a heart attack. Since then, he has fallen behind on the rent on the units and has been paying back what he can on the back rent from his limited income. He asked the storage unit owner to get rid of all the back stock he had in there so that he can actually make progress on paying off the amount owed. I guess this is a job that is equal parts scrapping and charity.

    We were told that there were 4 units full of TVs, turns out there are only 3. The fourth unit only had 6 TVs inside of it, so it doesn't count. One full unit was emptied out today and toted into the side yard. You never really get the feel for how big a pile of things will be until you see it in person. I was anxious all afternoon at work after I got a text telling me that it took 3 trailer loads just to empty one unit. Yeah, he is kind of working with a smallish trailer, but still! I didn't manage to get over here until the sun was going down so I couldn't really get any good pics of the mountain. I will try to upload what pics I did get. Sorry for the poor quality. My phone has a decent camera when it has enough light to work with. I tried to keep the edge of the shed in the pics for size reference.

    We got initial contact with a local scrapper who apparently has a way to part these out and make some bucks off them so we are waiting to hear back from him regarding further details. Things are moving slower than I'd like but I understand he is working on some big project so I am just trying to breathe lol. I know he will come through, he is pretty well established on here, I'm just crossing my fingers that no one from code enforcement comes peeking into the yard in the interim. My boyfriend is anxious about getting them from Point A to Point B as quick as possible. We don't have anywhere near the facilities required to store, break down, part out, mail and monetize this many TVs.

    Just figured I'd share my first (of many, I'm sure) "OMG THAT IS A FRICKING HUGE PILE OF STUFF!!!" moments. Whee!
    Last edited by AwesomeSauce; 10-15-2012 at 06:03 PM. Reason: Accidentally posted the same pic twice

  2. #2
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    I wouldnt leave thewm outside. Zoning office comes and you got a big stink on you in a hurry. Tvs are technically hazmat once the case is open and the guts removed. Even with together they give you the stink eye. And threaten you with zoning fines. I been down this road. UYou can see where I made it into the paper. I personally would go rent a garage for a week or 2 to store and break down. Keep the door shut so noisy ass wipes stay pout of your business. I speak from experience.

    Hope you have a legal way to get rid of the glass. As of 2013 it will be illegal to put any electronics including tvs in the landfill. So hopefully you got a best buy oror good will round you. One good thing is I saw a couple hiugh def projection tvs. They have oodles of copper and some medium high grade boards. I wouldnt bother with the low grade brown boards. Just pull the cm and aluminum and ditch the rest in the shred. Not worth it for 18c lb when you ship for 42c lb lol. Unless ya got a buyer locally

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  4. #3
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Yes, don't get caught storing those tv's on the ground, they can be outside but not on the ground. A friend of mine got 10,000.00$ fine for storing electronics on the ground. I don't know why anyone would not sell the brown (low grade) boards. Take the aluminum and the IC chips off and sell the rest of the board.You should get at least .20 cents per lbs.
    Last edited by Mick; 10-17-2012 at 02:31 AM. Reason: deleted offer to buy

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  6. #4
    AwesomeSauce started this thread.
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    We don't have room to part them out. We are hoping that this will be a fast turnaround thing. I'm not cool with disposing of the tubes illegally and we don't have an easy route for getting rid of them except the one guy. Fingers crossed, everything goes well, otherwise we will be parting them out as fast as we can and either dropping the shells at goodwill/best buy as we go or getting friends and family to tote them to the local disposal place two at a time. Either way would probably take a while. So far everything is still intact and we are just waiting to hear back so we can set things up to get them to someone with the facilities needed to take care of them properly.

  7. #5
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    Sent you a PM you never left me you phone number. Ill be clearing my garage out today to get these in there. Look forward to working with you.
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  9. #6
    greytruck's Avatar
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    The Projection tv's are great but are a pain to handle and break down. But the reward is that they got that gold mirror chip in them

  10. #7
    AwesomeSauce started this thread.
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    I stopped by to look at the TVs before I stopped in at my mom's house and then headed back to my boyfriend's house and the pile has grown. On my way out, I met him coming back to his house with another trailer load of TVs. He said that there are still a few more loads to go and he only has until 7pm to load up before he has to call it a night and finish up tomorrow. I'm gonna do a few things over here before I walk back over to get dinner ready and probably assist in unloading the final trailer full for the night. I wrote off tomorrow from work in case I could be useful. Work is flexible, so if he decides I'd be more in the way than helpful, I can just go in to work like usual. We will see.

    Here are the pics I got this afternoon, the pile is already bigger than this. He said we might wind up filling up the side yard and begin piling them in the backyard. There are SO many TVs! Current count is 156 TVs. Pics of the end of the day pile later.

    Last edited by AwesomeSauce; 10-16-2012 at 03:58 PM. Reason: Added total count of TVs

  11. #8
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    I'd at least throw a tarp over those,that is a lot of TV I would feel overwhelmed in a bad way...One or two is cool but wow holy panic attack. :confused:

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  13. #9
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    it takes 4 minutes to scrap out a tv, why don't you scrap out some as you go and drop off empties where you can
    instead of stacking them up, so come in with a load, scrap like 6 put them back on the trailer and on the way to the next load,
    drop them off then pick up more.

    the biggest ones would be my target, the're heavy but there's no more inside then a smaller one except for a longer degaussing cable.
    so the bulk of the weight will still be there after scrapping, flip them on the trailer, scrap, put cover back on and that's it,
    don't even need to take off the trailer.

    there's about $5 in every tv except the projection tv's, they don't have much copper but lots of nice boards and the cpu's.
    I don't see any cords on the tv's, cords really help the value, are you sure these tv's are complete and haven't been scrapped out already?

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  15. #10
    jghilino's Avatar
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    yea get one of those camo or green tarps, last week on my weekly trash run i found a almost new 40x40 blue tarp. It looks liked somone used it one time and then out it out on the curb.

  16. #11
    Russell's Avatar
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    My sentiments scrapperben. Did you guys make sure the TVs were complete? It may only take 5 minutes to disassemble a tv; but everyone seems to forget a few important facts. You have to handle each tv several times. You don't make your five bucks once.the guts are removed. You have to drive to get them, pick each one up, unload it, pick it up again for dismantling, pick it back up after dismantling and set it for holding or transport for disposal, which requires lifting every unit...again. after all that is said and done, no one ever seems to discuss the time it takes to break the yokes and cables down.

    So five minutes per tv my left foot... Try tripling or quadruple that time per tv, when its all said and done, - your gas and transport costs. If an average tv is 50 lbs and you make 5 bucks you've only made shred price on something you've handled multiple times and had to spend time breaking down.

    You are not being compensated for the tube weight and handling.
    This is why I haul steel, not TVs.
    Last edited by Russell; 10-16-2012 at 09:29 PM.

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  18. #12
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    Only escrap i do is pcs. Power supplies. N servers. Because i dont have storage for glass or plastics

  19. #13
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    ok lets look at it in steps..

    a tv takes 5 minutes to scrap out and cover back on, it takes 5 minutes to remove the wires, a board takes 5 min' to remove copper & alloy, the copper spools & alloy takes 5 minutes to clean up, a yolk takes 5 minutes and the degaussing cable takes 5 minutes to strip clean, so 30 minutes to get it to market grade.

    like i said, cords on tv's make a difference, at least there's one thing you can just cut & sell day one.
    I value a cord at 25c so 200 tv's should be $50 there in cords, that's a good start.

  20. #14
    rca987's Avatar
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    Hey, $5.00 for 30 mins of a work is $10.00/hr...hehe.

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  21. #15
    47service's Avatar
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    What do you do with the waste afterwords? That would be great if I could find a place to get rid of the glass. Everywhere I looked they want to charge to take the lead infused glass.
    Last edited by 47service; 10-18-2012 at 11:57 AM.

  22. #16
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 47service View Post
    What do you do with the waste afterwords? That would be great if I could find a place to get rid of the glass. Everywhere I looked they want to charge to take the lead infused glass.
    I think the very first thing you should do before you pick up the first TV would be to have your avenue for safely getting rid of the left-overs (plastic-tube) in place. Do your homework first that way if you don't find somewhere to take the leftovers then your not stuck paying to dispose of them. Why make $5. to pay $10. to get rid of?? Some counties have a recycling service available, Goodwill, Best Buy. I'm sure there's others available that we have talked about numerous times, it's all in the past posts. Couple of links that might help.
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  23. #17
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    The Projection tv's are great but are a pain to handle and break down. But the reward is that they got that gold mirror chip in them
    Whats the 'gold mirror chip'? edit. A EPROM with a gold window in it? Some mirrors are plated with a layer of gold over the silver layer.

    The projection mirrors will be a 'Front silvered mirror'.
    If the pic projection went onto a normal mirror, some of the light would be reflected off the top of the glass sheet, while most of the light will pass thru the glass, then get reflected off the silver mirror layer.
    That would give the actual screen pic a interference pattern around the outlines. (hard to describe, sorry)
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 10-18-2012 at 10:01 PM.

  24. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by rca987 View Post
    Hey, $5.00 for 30 mins of a work is $10.00/hr...hehe.
    LoL, I love the optimism.

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  26. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue View Post
    LoL, I love the optimism.
    Haha! But, pickup and delivery won't be done in 30 minutes, nor did they include the gas ; ) nor even the time in finding it.

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  28. #20
    happyisthealero's Avatar
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    Im storing up the thick degaussing wire to be stripped later when I get a stripping machine off Ebay. Should make my money back in no time.

    For reference I take all my gutted Tv's to goodwill and they take them! Should be dropping off 12-16 tomorrow.

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