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My Scrapping Adventures In My 1966 Chevy! - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    losthope started this thread.
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    Well heres newest scrap metal load!

    A 1950 Plymouth 4 door special deluxe! 3 out of the 5 members of my car club own 49-52 mopars,we ended up picking this car up dirt cheap, it had basically all the parts to put it back together but we bought it to use the parts to make at least three other cars in my club better, and im selling alot of parts on ebay and craigslist to goto other cars so I didnt feel bad about cutting this one up to much! the frame,fenders,doors,dash,glass,seats,motor and trans,drivline,rear end, etc etc... will all still be used I just cut up the main body(had some rust issues) and hauled it off for scrap...

    Picking up the 50 plymouth with some club members:

    got it to my cousins house to cut it up and store all the useable parts:

    Got to use my air bags to level out my truck on his steep driveway to make it easier to load:

    and heres the body cut up into my truck right before I took it in today:

    Untill next time guys!

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  3. #22
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    Not really sure why but this is my favorite thread on the board, lol.

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  5. #23
    andrew916's Avatar
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    I have been thinking about getting into cardboard and pallet recycling my self and live in Sacramento.. Does anyone in town have any tips or info they would care to share, please send me a message to my inbox.. I have not started with it because I am not sure if there is really a profit to be made like metal recycling... Thanks in advance

  6. #24
    losthope started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrew916 View Post
    I have been thinking about getting into cardboard and pallet recycling my self and live in Sacramento.. Does anyone in town have any tips or info they would care to share, please send me a message to my inbox.. I have not started with it because I am not sure if there is really a profit to be made like metal recycling... Thanks in advance
    Tip #1 dont take my pallets!

    LOL nah but really I just got into pallets myself,grab only 40x48" , 2 way pallets only bring a dollar and 4 way pallets depending if they ar #1 or #2 will bring $2-$3 the guy runs a ad on Craigslist and has two locations one in rio linda/north highlands and another in west sac he pays the most that I found so far, broken and missing boards are ok , I just grab them when I see them havent found a place to supply me yet but i just stack them on the side of my house and after awhile they add up and its extra money in the gas tank for me..

    and for card board I thought about it but havent done anything yet besides look up a few locations that buy it on the web in Sacramento......

  7. #25
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I have been thinking about getting into cardboard and pallet recycling my self and live in Sacramento.
    From what I have read in past postings cardboard doesn't really pay too well to make it profitable, unless you have a warehouse and baler. Then you would need a forklift to move them around. This might help a little;
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  8. #26
    losthope started this thread.
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    Well yesterday I got a hit on my craigslist add for hauling off "pallets for free"( i also have scrap metal ads up like everyother guy in my area) the guys said he had over 100 48X40 4-way pallets and after talking to him awhile I said I can come over and haul them off and id pay him $1 a pallet since he had so many and I would only be making $1-2 a pallet depending on the condition(basically splitting the money with him since he had so many)id do all the labor and haul and fuel cost....after talking to him awhile he finally says yes and gave me his address and said come on over im just to lazy to take them in myself.....half way there he calls and gives me a bull**** story about how they werent his to give away and sorry I couldnt take them.......Well it kinda pissed me off since I unbolted my toolbox out of my bed to fit two stacks in at a time and wasted gas and was half way there....i figured he was thinking about it and figured hed just take them in and get all the cash instead of part of it, I sent him a text back saying if he changed his mind to let me know since there might still be a chance hes lazy like he said and wont take them in........

    the good thing is my craigslist adds are working I also got a call to pick up a big heavy 4 drawer filing cabinet and couple pallets....

    then I saw a add for a estate sale where between 5-6 everythings half off or what you can fit in a card board box is $5, and after 6 everything's FREE.....I showed up at 5:45 most everything was picked over by then but I did manage to get a pile of metal,aluminum,wine bottles,glass ware so when 6 o'clock hit I walked it right out to my truck for FREE also was able to dolly out this unwanted HOTPOINT ice box...

    and i got to sign up to the estate sales website and now get notified on ongoing estate sales in my area that the sell the same way...already got a email saying theres another one on sat. I might try to go early see if i can buy any thing good on the half off hour , then take what i can on the free part.....think i just found sort of a "IN" that ive been looking for since im new at scrapping...

    I also sell fine china(and many other things) that i buy at thrift stores or craigslist, on ebay and do pretty good at it bringing in a couple hundred a month, so I might try and sell some of the glass ware i picked up there....

    Going out back to break stuff down untill next adventure everyone happy scrapping!
    Last edited by losthope; 10-31-2012 at 10:47 AM.

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  10. #27
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    I like the truck and your cars . I'm starting to see a van is good for scrap - cause what you jam in stays in and on the run scrapping is just fill it any way you can ( including the roof )- a open bed is fine don't get me wrong, but loading has to be organized. Still all your cars are nice rides.

  11. #28
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    That looked like Ian roussels shop in one of your pictures....... But maybe I'm just crazy!
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  12. #29
    losthope started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    That looked like Ian roussels shop in one of your pictures....... But maybe I'm just crazy!
    Just crazy! But I wouldnt mind going to his shop but its a ways away from sacramento! LOL

  13. #30
    losthope started this thread.
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    Picked up a dishwasher on craigslist this morning and started breaking everything I have accumulated this week to take in on monday, I started off by making my $1 2-way pallets into $2-3 4-way pallets by making a temp-let and using a jig-saw not gonna get rich but its a few dollars more in my pocket:

    then the rest was separating everything into ,copper,brass,aluminum,steel and removing the wire from the motors i have:

    I also printed out some more flyers that I made that i been handing out and pinning up to liquor store,post office,laundry mat peg boards:

    Gotta go to a estate sale in a couple hours see you guys later!
    Last edited by losthope; 11-03-2012 at 01:38 PM.

  14. #31
    losthope started this thread.
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    Well found a new metal spot , i was driving through a business park complex and saw a dumpster with some satellite dish's sticking out of it, couple employees around, I walked up and asked if they minded if i grabbed the dish's and a nice guy named "ty" said go for it...I handed him my flyer i made and said if they got a lot to get rid of to call me , he said hed keep it but most the time they just toss them in the dumpster but that Im more then welcome to come by everyday and get them. he said theres at least 4-5 in there everyday... I finally got around to loading the truck up today instead of last monday that i planned on, pallets,electric motors,bare wire,aluminum bin full of clean aluminum, scrap metal taking it in this morning!

    Last edited by losthope; 11-07-2012 at 08:53 AM.

  15. #32
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    L.H. save the small amps off the ends of the dishes, those have good boards inside. Those are good for breaking down at nite.

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  17. #33
    losthope started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    L.H. save the small amps off the ends of the dishes, those have good boards inside. Those are good for breaking down at nite.
    If I get any that has them I will make sure that i do,they already pulled those before tossing them in the dumpster, thanks for the tip!

    Just got two good phone calls! First call was to do a electrical job staying out of town swapping out ceiling fans in a apartment complex for a week which should pay great and may try and get all the old fans if the boss will let me! and 2nd call was a buddy telling me that hes cleaning out a barn and theres atleast 10-12 loads of scrap metal thats all mine...and I should start this weekend hauling it off , and what I cant get out this weekend they most likely be ok waiting for the weekend i get back to get the rest! wish me luck!
    Last edited by losthope; 11-07-2012 at 09:19 PM.

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  19. #34
    losthope started this thread.
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    Today I decided to make some side boards since this scrapping business is starting to get serious and I have a at lot to haul this weekend and next, Im making it so it can be quickly taking apart since I wont be running it all the time only when i need it,and can lay them down in the bed when not in use.:

  20. #35
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  21. #36
    losthope started this thread.
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    Well got to my buddys friends barn today, pulled out two loads of metal to the scrap yard and have a truck load of ewaste,tv,radiators,aluminum to take home, Theres ALOT, I mean ALOT more to take out of the barn and around the property, they are gonna be going out of town but soon as they get back and have another metal pile for me to take in Im the first one there gonna call! Score! I forgot to take a picture of the first load I took in but heres some while loading the second load:

    backing up to load a car engine:

    Side boards worked great was able to load more and didnt have to worry about stuff falling out...think im gonna paint them white and make them into signs with my phone number on them,so when im running them to scrap yards itll be free advertising!

    Keep on scrapping my friends!
    Last edited by losthope; 11-10-2012 at 06:11 PM.

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  23. #37
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    Love the truck.
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  24. #38
    Re-cycler is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    This is my 49 Chevy Fleetline at the poll(one room school house now used as the township hall) on election day 11/6/2012.
    I do haul some small scrap in it too mostly just a few buckets of copper and brass when I go to town for beans and bullets.

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  26. #39
    losthope started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Re-cycler View Post
    This is my 49 Chevy Fleetline at the poll(one room school house now used as the township hall) on election day 11/6/2012.
    I do haul some small scrap in it too mostly just a few buckets of copper and brass when I go to town for beans and bullets.
    Nice Ride! Thats a awesome picture , would make a great calendar photo!

    Well no scrapping has been done for the past week since I have been out of town doing a electrical job, but im headed out this weekend to pick some metal up, and also a free trailer, it has no lights on it or paper work but hey its free, I havent seen it in person yet but think its small enough I can haul it home upside down ontop of the long box bed of my truck....well see! I did get around to ordering some business cards tonight should be here in a week or so:

    Front side:


  27. #40
    losthope started this thread.
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    Well picked up the free trailer its 40" x 8' and some scrap metal today, and swung by my friends house who had called me and said he had a free truck hitch setup for me , trailer is gonna need some work but couldnt beat the price, FREE!!!:

    Back to the bay area tomorrow to do electrical work and going out of town for thanks giving so scrapping will be put on hold till I get back! Happy scrapping everyone!
    Last edited by losthope; 11-18-2012 at 06:01 PM.

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