Met up with a gentleman who contacted me stating he has some "older" computers and a tote of parts. The drive was about 30 minutes each way and a 1.50 toll. Total of 6 towers of various makes all nothing older that the early 90's and 5 laptops, all older models. The tote turned out to have 19lbs of motherboards with cpus in tact, 8.5 lbs of finger cards and about 5 lbs of mixed wire. We agreed to meet up again in a week or two because he still has a bunch of "older" stuff. I have a question on how to deal with pic #4. It is soldered to the board. All of the cpu's pictured came from the boards in the tote, still have to dive into the complete towers yet. Thanks for any advice on #4!
This is always nice to see on top of the pile.
All loaded up
Another nice one
Leave it be?
I have no clue what this is lol!
A handsome batch, the bottom one is my personal favorite
Bottums up!