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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    corycouch started this thread.
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    Been on here a little lately just trying to keep up with the new posts so many gettin posted now I can't keep up. Just guessing because we lost our list but around 250 to 275 cars in the last year. Got the white Durango I posted back in the summer running today, we waited until we got another with a good transfer case. We ran over our winch a couple weeks back in the yard, lack of communication caused the mishap got into my tailgate pretty good also, patched it up good enough to get us thru, came across an old Ramsey and it pulls like a tank we had to buy a new motor for it tho. Getting set up with rascore, looking at some of the vehicles we have scrapped we have lost thousands on some pretty easy parts to get to. We have a guy that's going to sell stuff like blinkers, visors, trim and such on eBay for us we just don't have time to do it ourselves. We got a new helper yesterday, seems to have a level head, the eBay sales and the cores should more than make his pay. Me and him changed the transfer case and everything went smooth, he is used to doing things right tho, yesterday he was really taking his time pulling a radiator, today he got rougher with one then he got to get the heater core out with a small sledge so he's getting the hang of it we have picked up another wrecker service to buy from, and I got one from a new body shop. We have a radio add on a local gospel station for about a month now it's only $100 a month so we just trying it out. Lots of new tools, only one worth mentioning is a eagle etc 500 tire machine, way too nice for us but we traded a $300 car for it. My price went up this week to 210 so that helps. Anyway that's about it. I hope Krazy is still setting up the convention, I'm not going to mention any names because I don't want to miss anyone but at least 20+ that I would like to meet in person. Hope everyone is doing good and has a good evening

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  3. #2
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    Great to hear your success continues. I would very much like your impressions of the effectivness of advertising on the gospel station. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  5. #3
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    Sounds great Cory, keep it up man! Good luck with all of it

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  7. #4
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    Great job Cory! Still doing the fire extingishers too?

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  9. #5
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    That was hard to read, but worth it

    Keep up the good work

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  11. #6
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Hey Cory, sounds like doing good in a bad economy. Does your core buyer buy the computer brains, I hear they are worth alot of money.

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  13. #7
    thortek's Avatar
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    I love reading the success stories on here!
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

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  15. #8
    corycouch started this thread.
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    we always ask where they got our numbers and no hits so far on the radio, yes freon still doing the extinguishers they are piling up saving them for a rainy day, we cut up the aluminum ones as soon as we get them as they usually equal a free car. the computers on the ones they buy range between $20 to $60 on our average age of 15 years(they dont buy all of them though) . im sure the newer vin numbers would pay more. i re read my post and im sorry it is hard to read i tend to ramble some times

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