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What a day & what a night

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    What a day & what a night

    I get into a screaming match with a neighbor as sure the yard is looking a bit, well Inventoried out - still cursing at me is not what i need and I cursed back He said he will blow my head off, I said I dare you to try - then more choice verbiage , I could call cops but who needs to open that door. I not letting it rent space in my head.
    So what better way to celebrate , I went hunting , dumpster #1 yielded with what felt like 300 (went this morn was 350 ) lbs of duct work steel and more , Filled the truck well , Hit the streets - found 3 computers ( one being a 486 ) - 4 TV.s - 3 vacuums - AL office chair - miscellaneous wires - a Tap & Die kit for threading - microwave - Fan - and miscellaneous things - 1 pound brass - AND A CATALYTIC CONVERTER and some exhaust pipe with it !!! (sitting along with the trash - WOW ) That buds put a smile on my face.

    Last edited by Copper Head; 11-12-2012 at 08:41 AM.

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