Some guys fill up the truck and go to the yard.

Other guys have some space and let things accumulate before going to the yard.

Here's my current pile, built up over the course of about a month.

The pic was taken from a second floor window, about 15 feet above the top of the pile. It's roughly 11 feet by 17 feet overall, the deepest part of the pile is maybe 3 feet high.

Not sure how to estimate how much weight is here, but I'd put it around 1000 lbs, roughly. Inside the garage is where the higher-value items are kept; probably another 50lbs of motors and transformers, 10 lbs of insulated wire, and 3-4lbs of bare bright copper wire. The garbage can next to the fence by the lawn chair is all aluminum; got two more cans full of steel.

Is this more or less than what you guys take per load? This will take me and my partner a couple of hours to just get onto the trailer, and we might have to make a second trip.