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hurricane sandy creats more scrap, video available

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    HeavyMetalScrap201 started this thread.
    HeavyMetalScrap201's Avatar
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    Thumbs up hurricane sandy creats more scrap, video available

    I have been so busy with at least 5 to 6 calls a day to come and remove hot water heaters, dish washers, dryers, stove, boilers and beyond. if your out there scrapping in NJ please show some respect and ask before you take any items you may see sitting in front of some-ones house.

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  3. #2
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    How about electronics, are you finding any computers?

  4. #3
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    I am going out the door now - to hunt and I am happy my area was not hit as it was supposed to , Not a nice way to earn income.
    Happy scrapper If people lost it all - and 99% of people have computers I am sure there out there along with the police . Last year no permission meant jail and a big fine .This is what is most important in the ethics of a curb hunter NOW ,remember All of USA are watching and ready to group you along with the common thief .

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  6. #4
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    Thanks for putting that out there HMS and Copper Head, it is appreciated. I will add that some residents are being told to put belongings on their property and NOT the curb while waiting for insurance to review. Although they are cleaning out their home, it is still their property. Please ask or you will be considered stealing.
    Long Beach Island and many other areas are still under curfew. Residents only allowed for now, so be careful where you drive too.

    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyMetalScrap201 View Post
    if your out there scrapping in NJ please show some respect and ask before you take any items you may see sitting in front of some-ones house.

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  8. #5
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    ^+1...I haven't been able to bring myself to going to the affected ares around here. The wounds are still too fresh and I don't want seem like I am capitalizing on others losses. Not implying that anyone here is doing that and if you get permission by all means get what you can. It's just that I know a lot of people that have been hit hard and have lost everything so it's a personnel decision on my part not to scrap there. I have been offered stuff by my friends to take what I want to after the insurance issues are cleared up. I kmow that the local sanitation is not even pulling stuff out yet since there is so many waiting for their insurance companies to itemize what has been lost.. Just asking for everyone to be respectful of people's feelings and make sure it is ok with the owner to remove anything.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  10. #6
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    Last year upstate got hit , I did ask and also helped some out so the pay for help was often the items . We had towns like Johnson city though was hit so bad . I did not even venture there as common sense dictated that. As much as can be made . i remember the feeling of helplessness as my normal rout was kinda off limits. It was very tricky actually staying in business during that time cause of all the scrutiny.

  11. #7
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    With the earthquake in Christchurch NewZealand there was a lot of scrap, and a lot of looters....

    The one thing you do not want to do is be the first looter caught.
    They will make a example out of you. You will end up on the news & in the newspaper & everyone, from then on, recognise you as "The Looter".

    We had one guy here, who got over a fence & stole a lightbulb, he got 'the bash' & was arrested, chucked in jail, thrown onto Tv & locked in a cell for a few months.

    In reality, he is Asbergers, small, frail, gay & has a bit of a fixation for lightbulbs, fittings & switches & didn't want the -not valuable or collectable, or even working- single lightbulb that he found.

    If you get metal or anything, get something from the owner saying you can have it. Get a photo of you 2 & make sure they actually own it in the first place.

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  13. #8
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    I don't want to over talk my welcome , but last year . I got permission and was collecting and i saw a cop on bike . I walked over we talked & I told him the truth . He was friendly to me. Then the police officer proceeded to ask the people out side "do I have permission " & they confirmed YES . I remember the moment well as the police want to catch YOU . It's not like a speeding ticket you can talk your way out of , so don't mess up !!
    Last edited by Copper Head; 11-20-2012 at 07:37 AM.

  14. #9
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    After the tornado in Pittsburgh (about 15 years ago), I saw a scrapper get arrested while picking up aluminum siding off the street, hundreds of feet away from the houses it came from...

  15. #10
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    I hear along the south shore of LI, where a lot of flood damage took place, stuff was strewn at the curb galore, and there have been people picking through it. I chose not to since I feel I would be profiting off of someone else's misery.

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  17. #11
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    curbside cleanup

    I would write up like a bill of sale or permission statement from owner includeing name address. DL# And check the id to the address just to cover your butt

  18. #12
    jonnyjeb's Avatar
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    Just drove thru the Rockaway's on Long Island today, amazing (and depressing sight). Outside every home is piles and piles of soggy sheetrock, warped dimensional lumber and ruined appliances. I couldnt bring myself to pickup anything (or to check if it is legal). I probably would've been overwhelmed besides. Streets and cars with saltwater reeds piled up, businesses still closed and all their ruined merchandise by the curb. Having lived mid island and experiencing the same storm, I thought all the reports of damage were exaggerated. Driving thru those areas once again proved I know a whole lot less about things than I thought I knew.
    Last edited by jonnyjeb; 11-23-2012 at 06:49 PM.

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