I really like the buckets on the carts. Nice idea.
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I really like the buckets on the carts. Nice idea.
Add some buckets to the list!
Key fob remotes
and Ink cartages
There is well over 75 items on this list! And I am sure we ars still missing some...
the OMG ITS GOLD bucket™! If not already there really should be.
Sirscrapalot - Sirscrapalot's Scrap Surplus™ if I ever open a yard or resale..
I didn't notice anyone mentioning a HMS#2 bucket. Any steel 1/8" or thicker goes in there. Things like strators, tranformer cases, thick nuts and bolts go in there. When the bucket is full I take it to my storage area where it is dumped into an empty refrigerator carcass until I decide to sell.
From another post the "I don't know bucket" !
You're right Mech, I should explain a little more. I fill the frig carcasses up with prep steel because they make storing and hauling on my trailer so much easier. When I go to the yard they suck the metal out with their big magnet and I bring the carcasses back home to be refilled. Works really good for me. When the carcasses start to get in too bad of shape I fill them with shred for their last use and the yard uses the claw to unload them.
HD Magnets
I have a bucket full of things that need to be smashed and when its full its clobbering time.
I sealed my driveway this year, +18 buckets :)
brass Casing non re loadable and re loadable buckets the second one is my favorite $$$$
Glad to see I'm not the only one that has more buckets than room
Breakdown room photo 1:
(from left) ebay items in basket
(back row) depopulated low grade boards, uncleaned AL heat sinks, single insulated cords
(front row) cast AL, extruded AL, screws and small steel, brass, copper
(boxes upper right) high grade, midgrade in lower box
(under bench) cell phones, uncleaned eproms and ICs
Breakdown room photo 2:
(from upper left bin) mylars/gold/whatnots, easily cleanable copper bearing components, cleaned copper wire
barrel for misc insulated wire
buckets on the floor include stainless, computer fans, small motors, transformers, flyback transformers, and other copper bearing items
bins in front of table are motors, yard sale items, computer power supplies
Contents of most of these buckets had already been transferred into larger storage bins and boxes not pictured.
Of course, there are other little containers for small and odd items. Most every bucket for breakdown is within tossing distance from the bench.
Although satisfactory, the available space can be used better. Hope to get it changed around during the holidays.[IMG]http://i1171.photobucket.com/albums/...wen1/shop2.jpg[/IMG]
You available to come keep my shop as pretty as yours? ;)
Nice shop an buckets!
Sirscrapalot - Wafflehouse..it's whats for breakfast.
Ha - you only see what is in FRONT of the camera. Still waiting on Parrothead's dad to come help organize what is BEHIND the camera :lol:
I use plastic tubs or 55 gallon plastic barrels
I like these buckets as the lid will open but close to let you stack them up, just write on the side what's inside them. The bigger buckets have the hinged lids. Find them in your local recycle plastic bin.
Yep - now I know what I can do with the kitty litter buckets. Can also put a few pieces of masking tape on the outside to label what is in it - as well as on the lid.