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Another day at the yard....haha not really

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #1
    scrappy888 started this thread.
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    Unhappy Another day at the yard....haha not really

    Well I took my first trip to the yard today in over 4 months...actually 3 trips total..daddy has alot to do...anyways great payday..over 1500 for some copper, batteries, cans, ss, brass, n shred..could have been more...


    After my 3rd load, I go to cash in...ladies real nice as she remembers my good looks...she raises my prices on #2 cu..i ask her kindly if they would accept a bit less than 500# of shred w some cu #1...she says" of course honey"...

    Anyways, guys in line(or bums with suitcases, as I refer to them as) start getting pissed..So I flirted for a min after I got payed..Soooooo what???

    Dude decides hes guna lay me out right there in the office..yes he hit im not little...275lbs 6 3...i run outside after he decks me..he follows, lunges at me once again, then I get him with the one hit wonder...out like a I couldnt bring my 4th load in because I had to wait to talk with the police...

    What a least I wasnt in the wrong, but I still couldnt haul my last load in my car...btw...dude hit like a *****....

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