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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    An AMAZING Santa!

    So, my wife, myself, our kids, and my wife's mother and father, and their kids, and a friend of ours, and her kids went to a Garden Nursery not far from where live. Every year around this time till Christmas, they have a lot of Christmas activities going on.

    So, we went there, and after we all got a picture taken with Santa, we asked for a special request. We asked them if Santa would mind taking a picture of what we call our "Jayden Bear" which is a small brown teddy bear, with a white t shirt, with our Son's name on it, that we lost to a miss carriage.

    Santa took the bear, held it in his arms like it was a baby for about 2 minutes, with his ear leaned down to it. When he rose up, he asked for a minute before they took the pictures so he could wipe the tears from his eyes. Soon as I saw him, I couldn't help but to cry myself. We think about the son we lost every day, and know he is in heaven looking down on us and his sisters...this time of year, it is especially hard when we always think about the kind of boy he would be today and the kind of man he would have become.

    Every year we see between 15 to 25 Santa's and this has been the greatest one by far! Not just because of what he did with our Jayden bear, but because of how they make you feel when you are there. It is like a passion to him, where other Santa's are really there just for the pay check.

    Thanks everyone for letting me share.

    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

  2. #2
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    I feel for ya man, I've lost 2 kids due to miscarriage. It sucks for sure
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

  3. #3
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    That was really cool of that guy! Miscarriages are difficult..... even more so when the woman suffers b/c it's very painful.... like my wife did. We named ours Jellybean lol! Only b/c we didnt know the sex yet. I like your Jayden bear idea, it really makes you never forget huh?

    "An Angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. And whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth."
    Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    I feel for ya man, I've lost 2 kids due to miscarriage. It sucks for sure
    We have pictures of the sonogram that was taken the day we found out that my wife was pregnant, and unfortunately miss carrying at the same time.

    It is not an easy thing to deal with. We both have mourned it in different ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hypoman View Post
    That was really cool of that guy! Miscarriages are difficult..... even more so when the woman suffers b/c it's very painful.... like my wife did. We named ours Jellybean lol! Only b/c we didnt know the sex yet. I like your Jayden bear idea, it really makes you never forget huh?

    "An Angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth. And whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth."
    Yeah, it was definitely cool of that guy. He could have just simply held the bear and taken a picture. Instead, it was like he was listening to it and seeing what it wanted for Christmas. It was an unforgettable moment!

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  6. #5
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    My wife and I deal with it in different ways. Since it has happened she does a lot of different graphic designs of pictures for other people who have lost someone due to miss carriages or any other reason, she deals with an organization that gives out these special bears for those who have lost someone, and every couple of weeks we get a BIG box of them, that my wife hands out to families who are mourning the loss of someone they have lost.

    Recently she has found a lady on facebook who makes miniature tombstones for families who cant afford the big ones. Lots of them are under $50 which includes shipping and looks no different than a big one. Only difference in them is the size. So, she has been helping to spread the word of that site as well, as lots of people cannot afford the big ones, so this is a way for them to have to have one.

    My wife and I have recently decided that we want to add on to our family. We have told most of our family and friends and have all their love and support. Although, like we have told anyone, no matter how many kids we have, we will never forget about our son. Even though he is physically not in our lives, he is spiritually. Our 2 daughters know of what happened, even though they are young and talk about him all the time. Basically things like "You think Jayden would like this" or something else along those lines.

    In the past year, there was a community garden area near us, that opened up a memorial area for those who have lost people due to different reasons. We visit it when we are that way, and our kids draw pictures and other things that they get to leave. That is their way of dealing with it, I guess you could say.

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  8. #6
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    Yeah this kinda deal is pretty rough especially for the women, my wife became very scared we wouldn't be able to have kids. Now we have one almost 3 and one almost 2. Makes you appreciate em a lot more this way.

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