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The first question is what should I look out for when processing old computers and electronics? The second question, is where do I get rid of the
e-waste to make a profit?
Make sure it's unplugged maybe?
I shudder when seeing this question(for the 400th time). I can only liken it to seeing a car speeding by, with the driver yelling out the window, "hey now, this is cool! but, uhmmm, how do i drive this thing?"
Granted, it is also like the job which requires some experience before you can land it, when the only place to get this experience is on the job. Good ol "catch-22" for sure, but there are ways to "get there from here", but not without some due diligence on the part of the "driver".
If you want to know something about a computer, like how to know what they're made of, what makes them "tick", how to assemble/dis-assemble, or even how to scrap one(as well as which ones to possibly try to save), learn at least something, about them.
You can do this in many ways, from reading about and studying them, to plugging one up to see if it works, how it works, what it's made of, and if you can fix it( and whether it's really worth fixing or not). Or, you can head in with screwdrivers, or a hammer, and just start tearing them apart. You can get there either way, but the former will be more helpful in the long run(although a bit slower taking off), and the latter will only tell you how to dismantle it to shreds. I suggest the former, if you really want the best answer for your first question, but, due to your second question, it would seem you're only after some quick money, and if that is correct, just grab the hammer.
good luck ; )