So, my wife and I were at the gas station this evening, and a lady and her son pulled up. She does
scrap metal recycling like we all do, and I have seen her around quite a few times. So anyways, I talked to her for a few and told her that if she ever came across any pc towers or other certain electronics to let me know, and I pay her more than scrap. Sure enough 30 minutes later she calls to tell me that she has a desktop and laptop. I tell her my prices, and we agree.
I go over there and the desktop is in complete condition, and the laptop was no good..had a busted screen, but was a newer laptop.
So, I offered her $5 for the tower and $3 for the laptop.
I get home, and the desktop even though it was a bit newer, it only had a 40gb hard drive, so I will just scrap it.
The laptop, had a 160gb hard drive, and after a quick
ebay search, I see it sells for an easy $30+ dollars. So I will throw a quick ad on craigslist for $35 and see if I get any takers. If not, then come tomorrow night, I will toss it up on ebay.
This later also has 2 nice looking bicycles that just need air in the tires, I am going to tell my wife's mother and I am sure for a quick $20, she can snatch them both.
This lady also had a very nice looking hikers backpack but I had no interest in that. She also had a antique snow sled (metal with the wooden surface) in GREAT condition, but also no need for that.
All in all, I am happy to have made a new contact.