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You need a bigger truck!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #1
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    You need a bigger truck!

    So, recently my old truck broke down and it seems that I need a new motor. It was a 1994 toyota pickup v6 3.0. It helped me to do a lot of jobs but, it was too small for the jobs I was starting to get and I think I just hauled too much stuff with it. It was funny, at many of the jobs that I showed up at, the first thing the customer would say was "You need a bigger truck!", or "You need a bigger truck, this isnt going to work". It started to become so predictable that the customers were going to say "you need a bigger truck" that me and my coworkers would frequently joke around about it but, somehow we always managed to haul everything away with that small truck even if it took more than one trip. Its as if they thought I wasnt aware that I needed a bigger truck.

    Well since my old truck broke down and it will be expensive to repair it, I figured now will be a good time to get a bigger truck. I found a good deal on a 2005 chevy silverado LS v6 4.3L so, I went ahead and bought it. I really wanted a v8 but, this is a step up from what I had and it is in really good condition. I have already tried it out and it can haul double from what I was hauling before, which saves time and gas money by doing less trips to the same job. Although, now that I have a bigger truck customers are now saying " You need a bigger trailer!" .....sigh.... Yes I know I need a bigger trailer and im working on it. Right now I have a 4x8ft trailer and plan on upgrading to a 10-12ft trailer with the dumping feature and trailer brakes. The future is looking bright.

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