A individual i know who is in the sanitation business (owns his company) want me to sell for him all sorts of hydraulic truck components and other components related to his retired trucks (he is parting out the certain valuable items)
LIKE - Swiper blades (pulls trash into storage container) SB arms , tailgate cylinders ,
Packing cylinders, Kicker bar for dumpster containers ,
a diesel motor 2 Mack 5 speed transmissions
Front axel with springs
Heil push out cylinders AND truck beds
Does any one know of any e bay like auction sales sites but for truck items I could put on e bay but i feel it will just sit. I will get 10% of total sales to manage it.
I also will have the opportunity to sell all sorts of things like tools from the trash that are vintage
as you can imagine the amt of items is vast, really a lot so 10% could end up being lucrative